7 Major Ports of the United States

The United States of America has a major ship presence across the american english continent. It covers 75 % of its goods fare that travels through the sea routes. A full of 50 ports across the USA counted a record of 2363 million MT of cargo manage in 2019 .
historically, the USA has had a strong presence in shipping since the early 1600s. however, commercial cargo operations took a capital boost from 1820 .
With the ball-shaped get up of the United States, merchant cargo trading since 1952 portrayed a steady rise. Along with Canada, the US takes the north american transport partake to 44 % of the total world count .
interim, shipping contributes 26 % of the country ’ s economy through direct and collateral trade. In the last ten, US ship showed a increase of 6.9 % in terms of cargo wield volume.

The United States ranks moment amongst the countries with the largest single Economic Zone. It has an active agent zone of 11,351,000 sq. kilometer .
5 major ports of the USA crosses 3-figures regularly in terms of cargo treat tonnage ( Million MT ). interim, a sum of 7 ports together handle 47 % of the total seaborne cargo .
nowadays we review these 7 major ports along with the cargo patterns, location, and functional patterns. These facilities besides share sea trade routes with partners across Asia, Africa, and Australia .

Port of Houston (Texas, USA)

Port of Houston
The port of Houston amounts to 284.9 million MT of cargo motion, both inward and outwards of the US. This makes it the busiest alien tonnage handling port in the entire country. furthermore, it is besides the tenth interfering port facility on the ball-shaped rankings .
The port was established in 1914 along the Houston downtown harbor. At present, the facility covers an area of 50 miles, adenine far as Morgan ’ s orient. Amongst all the ports in the USA, Houston handles 2.5 times more cargo, except for South Louisiana .

Cargo Handling

The port has an average of 7,800 to 8,500 calls of sea-going vessels every year. Hence, the entire direct trade wind measure of this port ’ sulfur operations amounts to $ 159.8 billion per annum .
There are a total of 9 public terminals, with 2 container terminals and 5 cosmopolitan cargo operation terminals. The channel width is 106.5 meters with a maximum depth of 11.4 meters .
The Bayport cargo operations go through 6 Neo-Panamax and 6 Post-Panamax cranes. interim, the Barbours terminal operates with 42 RTG, 2 Panamax, 5 Post-Panamax, and 7 Neo-Panamax cranes .

Network and Layout

The Houston port network is the largest in terms of container handling on the US Gulf telephone line. furthermore, the 52 heavy-lift docks spread through the layout binding different roles .
The network consists of more than 200 modest and big operators with public and secret origin. A total of 795,000 jobs in the operational facility cover the port ’ s operational requirements. The state transport of cargo takes place through the web-like Houston railroad track network and trucks .

Port of South Louisiana (Laplace, USA)

Port of South Louisiana
The port of South Louisiana has been in being since the early 1700s, with cargo operation in function since the 1940s. It ranks adjacent to the Port of Houston in terms of overall cargo tonnage in million MT. furthermore, South Louisiana handles 60 % of all the grain cargo handling that takes position in the Midwest .
The facility spreads equitable over 54 miles, being one of the biggest and far-flung ports in the USA. Both the ends for its annex screen between New Orleans and Baton Rouge .
The port recorded 11.9 % emergence over the stopping point decade, a crucial punctuate in terms of contribution to the nation ’ s economy. Its localization beside the Mississippi River gives it the highest dealings density amongst the US river ports .

Cargo Handling

South Louisiana Port recorded 238 million MT of cargo handling in the final calendar year. The adeptness has a total of 13 available berths and handles over 4000 sea-going vessels every year. The maximum enlist has a limitation of 13.5 to 15.2 meters available depth at different berths. Their cargo handling features a mix of breakbulk, dry bulk, container, and fluid cargo operations. The facility handles 25 % of all the vegetable oil cargo that moves across the US .

Network and Layout

The superport acts as the starting target for a grapevine service about 640 miles long. This network carries 800 barrels of vegetable oil from the facility to the different parts of the US. 3 major highways ( Interstate 10, 55 and 59 ) links this interface to every major finish in the US excessively .

Port of New York, NY, and NJ (New York, USA)

Port of New York
The port of New York and New Jersey encloses the entire coastal sphere of the New York Harbour. This facility spreads over an area of 25 miles and is the largest natural seaport globally. It has steer access through the Atlantic with a distribution channel open of 640 miles leading to the complex .
The expansion of 1609 is the pivotal point and leading factor of the addition in incoming traffic for the port. however, the independent boom started from the year 1910, ranking it as the busiest global port. A final annual dollar volume of $ 5.5 billion makes it one of the most profitable ports in the USA. 23.5 % of the interface ’ south deal takes place with China, while India sits second at 8.1 %.

Cargo Handling

In 2019, the facility recorded a total of 136.6 million MT cargo handling figures. This consists of 41 million MT of general and 45 million MT of bulk cargo operations. The facility besides handled 7,471,131TEU imports in the same year and exports of 7,179,788 TEU. A sum of 570,023 vehicle units besides arrived at the facility with a US market contribution of 46 %. The facility has a full of 9 terminals with maximum quay lengths of 3087 meters. A full of 6 mega berths have draft restrictions up to 15.2 meters for super container cover .

Network and Layout

The facility is spread across a network of 17 counties with 10 of them completely under its supervision. Hence, it shares more than 50 % of the total North Atlantic TEU movement. The express rail network has more than 400,000 handling tasks on an annual footing for container campaign. meanwhile, smaller vessels amount to 24 % canal and inland motion of bulk goods. A team of 7000 employees is creditworthy for year-long treatment and end operations .


The Port of Corpus Christi stands amongst the few ports in USA with an energy conservation blueprint. Its establishment dates spinal column to the year 1926, being the major terminal for crude petroleum and gas .
An average depth of 14 meters allows oil-carrying vessels of all sizes to arrive freely. The facility has 50 hectares of common storage area and divides into 2 parts for aboard operations. 6 terminals, namely the North, South, Liquid, Bulk, RO-RO, and La Quinta, operate on for seagoing traffic. The port besides has a 1500 PSI bearing capacitance to stand as the strongest amongst the Gulf ports. A section of the facility besides has military units with the US NAVY base since the class 1997 .

Cargo Handling

The larboard handles an average of 100 million MT of cargo, with figures of 111 million MT recorded in 2019. 80 % of this is in the form of unrefined vegetable oil and petroleum products handling at the petroleum terminals. On average, the facility sees more than 6500 vessels of all sizes every class. The grain cargo elevator has 36 concrete silo and an adjacent web site for 5,000,000-bushel storage. For dry cargo, the belts handle over 1500 MT of cargo per hour. meanwhile, the gantries besides have a capability of handling 600 MT per hour .

Network and Layout

The North Terminal Network has rail ramps for steer transfer of ro-ro cargo. meanwhile, dock 8 on the Southside is the strongest amongst the open wharf designs. The terminal besides has 9300 sq. meters of refrigeration and storage capacity for sensitive cargo handling

Port of BEAUMONT (Texas, USA)

The port of Beaumont exists since 1908, with chief operations of military nature. however, timber cargo operations were the first commercial ones at the adeptness in 1912. This facility covers an area of 150 sq. miles and has annual gross of $ 2.2 billion through commercial shipping. It one of the few ports in the USA to entertain both merchant and defense fleet ! Hence, it is besides an significant base for handling military goods and fabricate products .

Cargo Handling

The facility is alongside the Sabine-Neches Waterway which is the major route of incoming US vegetable oil cargo. The watercourse handles 57 % of the full petroleum transportation along with 14 % of gasoline cargo across the area. The last annual statistics of the port reflects 2,070,665 MT of dry and 596,211 MT of breakbulk treat. The remaining share consisted of oil cargo amounting to 101 million MT of entire cargo in the year 2019. The granulate elevator has a sum capacity of 3.5 million and is the best in its classify. daily load and discharging operations take place across 12 available berths throughout the sidereal day .

Network and Layout

The port connects with 3 major railway networks, including the Southern and Pacific railway. Hence, more than 1860 employees hold permanent positions for cargo and port operations. The net consists of a large-scale storage quad of 600,000 sq feet for all goods .

Port of New Orleans (New Orleans, USA)

Port of New Orleans
The Port of New Orleans is in being since 1896 for handling vessel traffic across the Mississippi River. It connects a wide-eyed network of 14,500 miles of trade waterways to the slide of America. The facility has over $ 100 million of profit in dollar volume assign to its cargo and rail operations .
It is besides one of the busiest ports in the USA with an average of 36000 vessel calls every year. Almost 41.6 % of these vessels handle the inward and outward movement of dry bulk cargo. The chief Avenue complex is in a built-up area of more than 16,000 sq. m .

Cargo Handling

The facility has two major berths spreading across an area of 2000 feet. This placement spreads over an area of 65 acres to handle temp cargo storage. furthermore, 6 gantries are responsible for container handling operations of all sizes. These terminals besides have an on-dock connectivity feature of speech through railroad track services. In 2019, the port of New Orleans recorded figures of 92.2 million MT cargo treat. This includes 26.9 million MT of domestic bulk cargo goods excessively .

Network and Layout

An average of 2,000 trucks is responsible for network handling of inner cargo transport. The adeptness besides provides direct alignment for deep-sea vessels to offload with rail services. The tier 3 rail network connects with Tier 1 for seamless tape drive round the clock. This spreads through an internal vilify length of 26 miles with inter-nodal services of 75 miles .

Port of Long Beach (Ocean Blvd., Long Beach, USA)

Port of Long Beach
The larboard of Long Beach was the second-largest container handling terminal in 2019 within the USA. Located behind its neighbour- the Los Angeles port, the facility handles 80-85 million MT at show. This showed 25 % of overtaking growth across the death ten. A sum of 3.2 kilometer operational region is available for active container operations. Cargo operations in the port started in 1911. At give, it combines with the corridor of Los Angeles port to create the San Pedro Bay .

Cargo Handling

The port facility has a full of 80 operational berths with 10 cargo piers across its sweep. These mod facilities recorded 8,113,315 TEU cover in 2019. The annual value of cargo from the container business amounted to $ 56 billion. An average of 50 feet depth is available for container vessels. meanwhile, the largest vessel to arrive at the terminal had a draft of 20.1 meters. such facilities place it amongst the few ports in the USA with such eminent drafts .

Network and Layout

Over 100 miles of railway facility connects the port and its inner network for conduct treat. This allows the transport of containers of standard sizes to port aboard each other. More than 50,000 annual jobs come from the in-port cultivate and operations for cargo handling. The green port policy allows an 88 % decrease in the overall emissions, the second-best in the entire country .

Rapid Growth of the USA Port Network

25 % of the USA ’ s Sea cargo operations with China reflect a strategic emergence vision. This comes with 16 % of trade relations entirely with european outlets. With growing relations along indian harbours and Africa, the global outreach of the USA is apparent. Hence, the major ports in the USA play a pivotal separate in the steady development of its economy. Over 45 billion deserving of expenses for the growth of these facilities are meant for the expansion of the network.

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