I have a feeling this is going to get worse.
Middle School Principal Arrested for DWI in West Orange, NJ (Aretha Dooley-Malloy)
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Sovereign Citizens #6 – Moor Bank Fail
Song: Xenogenesis
Artist: TheFatRat
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"The airpors debagged." Lol
She really thought she was gonna convince them to let her go home "to use the bathroom" …. And then she'd never come out. 😆😆😆
3:04 did she say the Airploys Debagged?
I CAN tell you this: as a person with a bladder problem, there is absolutely no way I could last as long as she did without urinating. When I say I have to go to the bathroom, I have to go within a minute or less. Of course, maybe it would be different if I crashed my vehicle first. Lol
I think a good attorney will get her out of all of the charges. Maybe unpopular but I'd bet $100.
I'm gonna go ahead and call her a talkative drunk. Just a hunch.
I'm not completely sure but did she say something about having to use the urination? That statement came out of nowhere!
If she needs to go to the bathroom, she should just say so!
My daughter had a bladder problem when she was a kid & the teachers never believed her 😢 we needed a doctors note finally for anyone to believe her! If she had a note, she would’ve been allowed sooner 😂😂
Awesome as always keep up the good work and love to your family and the puppies
I guess I have to go to the bathroom I have to go to the bathroom I have to go to the bathroom is the new I can't breathe I can't breathe I can't breathe
Did they give her a breathalyzer?
Rutherford lost the Mayor election to Susan McCartney who's the first female Mayor in West Orange.
I watched a court case and they said according to the Highway Safety Organization 1 out of 4 DUI Test are invalid and if someone has a previous medical injury or condition they can't take the test. In her case I don't know what the heck is going on! They should've given her a breathalyzer.
Someone tell me what happens, I have to go to the bathroom.😬😬
She sounds like Ray from Rainman with her "I just have to go to the bathrooms"
The only 2 options I'm giving you is… You let me pee over there or pee in your car.
His 1 handed typing was just as frustrating as her antics!
Isn't "love is love" a pedo mantra? (The lawn sign)
Oh I felt for him. It’s the “I’m livid” and his simple “I know” response, just know she’s going to chew his ear off on the way home.
2 drinks: 2 48oz double margaritas. I’m asking with all due respect. This is gold.
She probably has drugs inside her snd she wants to go get rid of it before going to jail.
I have no idea how cops can deal with people like this and treat them as well as they do.
If she bullies cops like this. Just think what she might do to bully children.
The patience of these officers was wonderful. I know you can’t name drop etc, but doing it and the person is dead now that was a new one. And I’ve heard all sorts of names dropped during arrests.
"I have been nothing but compliant and respectful." WHAT??!!! No. No. You have been nothing but NONcompliant and DISrespectful, and you KNOW it.
@13:41 Did this woman say the air ploys debagged?
I stopped short and the air ploys debagged. I hate when that happens. 🤣 I can't. This is ridiculous 🤣
Also the way she puts so much emphasis on the word bathroom is driving me nuts
Also her deceased father was a detective in another state, so you should let her go to the bathroom. Because those two things are somehow related.
My goodness, she goes out of her way to be nasty to his partner.
Lol, all the people in the chat saying, "Close the door!" "Shut the door!" "Slam the door!"
I wish he had. Probably best for him that he didn't. But it would have been great to see, lol!
"I did not deny the fact that I had not drank."
She can’t even remember what they told her multiple times. She really remembers stuff at the site? Puuleaseeeee
Now I have to go to the bathroom
1:01:35 The look on the officer's face says it all.
I had to replay part of the video because I had to go to the bathroom.
You should definitely give us you opinion on the Murdaugh trial!! Some of those clips have been really funny, especially when he tried to say his drug addiction, an mindset caused him to lie!
She wants a reason they thought she was drunk? How about she was wearing her shoes in the car and she said herself she took them off to get out and talk to the cop. Why??? Also she thinks nothing happened and her air bags just happened to deploy by themselves. Plus saying she has to go to the urination. So many reasons. Just stop talking!