Law of corresponding states | Unit 4 | Gaseous state | Bsc 3rd semester chemistry

Law of corresponding states|Unit 4|Gaseous state|Bsc 3rd semester chemistry

आज के इस वीडियो में Bsc 2nd year 3rd semester chemistry के chemical dynamics and coordination chemistry के unit 4 kinetic theories of gases का एक और वीडियो लेकर आ रहे हैं।

Bsc 3rd sem chemistry important questions 2023 के इस वीडियो में gaseous state मे law of corresponding states and vander waals reduced equation के बारे में पढेंगे।

Bsc 3rd semester chemistry unit 4
Bsc 3rd semester chemistry
Kinetic theories of gases bsc 3rd semester
Gaseous state bsc 3rd semester
kinetic theories of gases bsc 2nd year 3rd semester
gaseous state bsc 2nd year 3rd semester

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📚 Chemical dynamics and coordination chemistry :

BSc 3rd Semester Chemistry:

Bsc 3rd semester chemistry syllabus:

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Roli Prajapati

Tnx sir

Deepak Sharma

Nice 🙂🙂🙂

future doctor👨‍⚕

Thnxx sir❤