LISTEN: Supreme Court hears oral arguments in election law case

The Supreme Court hears oral arguments on Dec. 7 on if state legislatures can create election maps without oversight from state courts. Read more: Subscribe to The Washington Post on YouTube:

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Cynthia Cairns

Neal Katyal…school children should read his papers and memorize his arguments. This man is a gift from God.

Mary Buford

Originally senators were appointed by state legislatures . Electors are appointed by state legistures.

Dr. G

Neal Katyal begins at 1:25:00

G. Scott Askue

🖕 maga


It’s not fair if one state has a rule that says no gerrymandering and another says go ahead and make our voting districts look laughable so we don’t lose an election ever

Tommy Jeff

(Personal notes)
27:34 Elliott's debates, volume 3, page 367


Neal is an excellent attorney. He's able to go toe to toe with the Supreme Court justices without flickering. Please, put this man on the Supreme Court already.

Victor J. Cano

Neal is far more qualified than half the other justices

Chris Nowland

Neal provided a master class in preparation! Not to mention his delivery. All attorneys should take note. Brilliant!!

Meliora Cogito

At around 2 hrs in Gorsuch demonstrates why he was selected for the court. He is a complete and utterly uncompromising disrespectful AH as a Supreme Court Justice—and Roberts has the presumptive temerity to whine about the the court's perceived illegitimacy. GMAFB. Gorsuch was not even listening to anything Neil Kaytal was trying to say or be clear on. He was trying to introduce non-relevant bull faeces to obscure the discourse of this case. What blatant disrespect of the process and the court. JFC!

Raw Stihl

It is a testament to the problems we face in regards to voting rights in this nation that the view count for this video isn't higher. Confederates don't wear the Stars & Bars anymore and blurt out the N-word. They wear suits now and disguise their language under the auspices of State's Rights and local control of everything. We are in a slow boil back to pre-reconstruction which will foment violence because folks such as myself are not going back. Everything in the United States boils down to race.


I love how the hypocrites on the left scream about how political the SCOTUS has become (only because they're currently a Republican majority 🙄) but they have NO problem with State courts interjecting politically into ANY situation where elected, republican state legislators are setting election policy, which is their FEDERAL right.


The definiton of legislature is the individual state house's of representatives, the lawmakers that state citizens vote for, that define a state either by red or blue terms. THAT'S what the legislature is, the installed by vote, state representatives. It is understood under Article 5, and has the SAME meaning under Article's 1 and 2.


The definition of legislature does not change from Article 5 to 1 and 2. It means what it means. Read Article 5, "The Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this Constitution, or, on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which, in either case, shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this Constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states." I can ASSURE YOU, State courts, State's governor's, State's Attorney's, DO NOT, CANNOT participate in proposing amendments. Period.

Emma Brooks

Listen to Neal Katyal at 1:25:21. He’s an excellent lawyer. Put this man on the Supreme Court.

Peter Marshall

Eventually this will lead to the removal of the GOP from almost all prositions of Legislative Trust across state governments, then they'll call FOUL NOT FAIR.


I ❤Neal Katyal! He slayed that dragon with great finesse! 👏👏👏You did ALL your homework! Thank you for educating those Justices! Awesome to watch!


@33:28 the response should be …. common sense your honor, because the founders knew it was obvious no one wanted to give state legislatures all that power…. we’re talking about state legislatures to OVERRIDE the results of an election, ignoring the chosen electors. And we’re talking about gerrymandering. Two mechanisms Rs want to use to retain power in future elections.

Town Crier

I would have asked judge Jackson to show me a State Constitution that includes its judicial branch and or Executive branch as part of its Legislature? If there is one, then that states court or Executive would have say in the matter by being included as part of "the Legislature thereof" within its Constitution. If those other branches are not included then the US Constitution excludes them.


—- > @ 25: 39, a state legislature is constrained by the governor, it's own state Constitution, the U.S. Constitution, the courts,, and elections by We The People.. There's really no argument for an unchecked legislature. Eliminating the courts in a matter would also be a violation of the separation of powers. The Election clause refers to election times NOT election day as defined int Article II, Section 1, clause 3. for federal elections.