My mother-in-law thinks his son's salary is $5,000. I did as I was told and got a divorce and …

My mother-in-law thinks his son’s salary is $5,000. I did as I was told and got a divorce and …

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L Zu

Same theme all the time…..

sandra mayers

So a credit agency got pictures of hubby and girlfriend. Love to know what country does credit agency do private investigation. Unbelievable.


I hear you. My MIL moved in with us, thankfully it was only for 3-4 months, and I was pregnant. She was horrible, my mother was horrible. 😢

Linda Dent

Why is it that the in-laws don't contribute to the household? Also, why doesn't the daughter pay her parents for living there? To me, this sounds selfish.

Oz White

My husband and I agreed very early in our marriage, than whomever cooks does not do the dishes, the one who did not cook does the dishes. When someone is down the other picks up the slack in sickness and in health.

Mother Trucker

I know these are Asian customs but women need to protect themselves and their assets before getting married.
Demand marriage contract
#1 : will only live with parents after 10 years of marriage
#2: wife will send money to her parents if she wants
#3: will not be the family maid not be responsible for the entire family income.
Etc etc. (These are only examples)
If the man and his family are truly honourable, he will have no problem signing a document declaring that you will be treated with respect and as a human being. If he has problems signing, you will immediately know that his intentions are malicious and therefore he’s not worthy to be with you. Evil people don’t change for better, they just get worse.

Dawna Berry

My son married a woman in 2016. She was amazing. Chris had terminal cancer, and sh stood by him every minute until his death in.Dec. 2,000. She was a gift from God, and I loved her as my own. When people heard that I lived with them they would tell her they were sorry for her. But she would tell them that her MIL was awesome. I tell everyone how awesome she was. Of course she is no longer my DIL, but in my heart she always be, and she says the same about me.


My MiL was like this after we had kids. She somehow got two nannies to quit in a row. She finally got her out of her tush when I pointed out that if I quit working our income would be cut in half and we wouldn’t be able to help her out anymore.

Janet McDevitt

you are just a mil our life is none of your buisiness


Divorce op get away from this terrible mil you have a job you can do it yourself leave

Danny Vestal

Was his OWN fault in the beginning because HE DID not act as a GROWN man should and just explain and make sure his mother understood that his Adult life isnt meant to be living with her forever…its just not natural. Unfortunately since independence and married life wasnt any of his vitues, sounds like he goofed very bad! Your much better off mam! GOOD luck and try to find some Jesus to make the rest of your journey with! Keep on keeping on!💪🏼👍🏼

Lisa Edwards

Where does this sort of marriage exist when wife becomes property and a servant to monster in law. I as a western woman would be a hell no with her living with this creature and him inherit a backbone or chewing my shoe once I kicked his ass. I'd shout her down and give her a dose of reality. Work if you want.

Janet McDevitt

well mil where are you getting the money for this holiday because i am NOT PAYING

Allan Mercik

I guess some MIL's just cannot mind their own business.

Janet McDevitt

tell dh she has to go and live herself or you will

Janet McDevitt

if you are not happy the get off your backside and do things herself instead of being a moocher

Janet McDevitt

record her and get proof of her bullying

Ann Nichols

Wow! To have the utilities cut off is pretty bad.

Velma Patterson

Sorry you had a mother-in-law like that !

Rita Smallwood

It was probably his mom who helped make him have a mental health issue

Michelle Bolyard

I've had a mother in law like that. Freedom is amazing.