Friends, when society dismisses the natural law tradition, is it any wonder we see voluntarism take its place? Great to speak with Ben Shapiro about natural law and much more.
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You guys need to check your facts. Freud never said that sexual satisfaction leads to "happiness.". It leads to an orgasm, that's all. What Freud actually said is that we repress and sublimate into the unconscious sexual thoughts and desires because we are pressured to do so by society. In Freud's day sex was considered filthy and never spoken of in public. The same goes for feelings of aggression- they're repressed by the psyche and often emerge later in life in the form of destructive behavior. He also said that children have sexual phases of development, that sex is the prime motivator of human behavior, that sexual fantasies are normal and that the pleasure principle yields to the reality principle. Thats what Civilization and its Discontents is all about. He never said sex equates to happiness.
I love how you and Ben were able to find common ground and discuss things that aren’t just based around the Christian faith, but the instinctual moral law.
The reason is easier population control.. back to Bi-O-China I suppose
We need to turn to Christ and cling to Him with all our heart soul mind and strength. That is the source of our confidence.
I wish you asked him what he thinks of a Nancy being denied communion but then going to Rome and getting communion from the Pope.
The unhappiness of young people is because our societal systems, education, healthcare, the prison system, politics, are all broken. And jobs suck. And horrible things are happening all the time and our empathy is exhausting us. Plus general loneliness and no sense of community or belonging. Sexual suppression, which is what Catholicism requires until marriage, does not work.
The difference between Ben Shapiro and Bishop Barron is that although they agree on this issue, Shapiro approaches it like a political culture warrior and Bishop Barron approaches it like what he is, a shepherd of the Church of Christ.
I'm so blessed to have Bishop Barron as our bishop! Excellent articulation of the root of the problem: ditching natural law and the understanding that the family is the building block of society.
Catholic principles have fallen off the table as well !!
People of all faith need to come together against this attack on natural law
Thanks to Ben and BB
I wish Bishop Barron were on that Exodus panel.
Thank you for this most excellent talk with Ben Shapiro, Bishop Barron! Like other people who have posted comments, I would love to see you in dialogue again with Jordan Peterson, and if Mr. Shapiro joined the party that would be absolutely stellar. God bless you!
Thank you for this, Ben.
Ben at 11:40 – Yes, why roll out of the rack early on a Sunday morning to go to church, when I can get the same message by turning on Public Radio, and I don't even have to get out of bed?
Fantastic, thank you both for this
It is very important that we draw the line in the sand and stand strongly to defend marriage and the family.
They hit the nail on the head! So glad to see this Bishop Barron!
Wow; marvelous answers from Bishop Barron. 🫶🏻
Hey you interviewer, slow down abit, you are communicating to the whole world. Meanwhile I love you bishop, I benefit alot from your teachings
This is the reason why we have separation of church and state- it has kept this society from imploding like society that have religion at its center, and that kill Catholics as a matter of policy.
Pelosi and Biden preside over atheists, Muslims, Evangelicals and all sort of non-Catholic Christians. They are not there in their personal capacity. They are going down in history as great leaders of ALL men and women, kind and fair. Don’t confuse their politics with their personal life. Goodness is a reflection of their inner light.
There is no such thing as cultural consensus- visit Texas; look around how Africans are treated in Minnesota. Look. How about Florida? Isn’t California different? Native Americans? No cultural consensus there. We must build the world through love and tolerance.
I agree with Pope Francis. He’s my Papa Paco.
i started watching this channel coz my dad recommended it, but as it seems there's a welcome sign on the door for fascists i'll see myself out.
I stand along side you Bishop Barron .Beautiful talk.🙏
Terrible elocution. He should be auctioneer guy, and not a journalist.
How refreshing to see 2 great minds offsetting the insanity of our “leadership.” Thank you both 🙏
Agree with previous comment.
Mary Therese
It's strange how this LGBT+ agenda is pushed over here in Slovakia and how people are not taking care of it. We do not speak with youth and let them to build 'their own' view based on the LGBT propaganda. Even youth at church are not sure what's the Truth and are ignorant to the theme, or even worst, support LGBT. The LGBT masters are – as people of this world – better performing and prepared. And definitely it's caused by people of goodwill not taking care enough! This definitely is WAR we live in. And everybody needs to ask themselve. Whom do I serve? Which part am I member of? 🇸🇰☦️✌️🕊️🌎🦁 We need brave Lions on streets, at schools at work…everywhere… Whitnesses of Truth and protectors of the weakest.
If you believe in God and what the Bible teaches stick to it and live your life accordingly. I don't shy away from what I believe. I don't condone hate or violence in any form or fashion but I will not compromise my beliefs.
Sanity At Last!
Very much appreciate Bishop Barron but the Church needs to find a way to embrace homosexuality as natural law. I am convinced that homosexuality is not contrived but comes about through nature and rare as though it may be it remains part of nature. Homosexuality it seems to me cannot be willed away. Discriminating against homosexuality should not be the intent of Christianity whose main mantra through Christ is to love one another. I believe homosexuality has little to do with the breakdown of the family. That I believe, in great part, comes from rampant pornograhy constantly feeding the sin of lust.
Men are men, women are women, marriage is between them and before God, till death do they part. Men are better at some things, women are better at others, to each's complement. Where is the lie?
Sodom and Gomorrah….
It is great to see two dignified and intelligent men having a logical discussion it is also wonderful that despite the fact they are from different faiths they can still respect each other, both of these men are invaluable to the few sane people left in our crumbling, morally perverse society.
Once man used scientific knowledge to create life outside the female womb, what was once Very Good became one of many goods.
The demand for IVF and reproductive technologies replaced the Natural Law. It was just a matter of time that man’s hubris would bring us here.
Ironically, many of the main religions have avoided pronouncing a clear coherent stance on this. But a group of atheistic feminists and lesbians did in Toronto publishing a book (1993) called Misconceptions: The Social Construction of Choice and New Reproductive Technologies.
Catholics and Orthodox Jews have a lot more in common than differences, and here in the end times it is interesting to see them come closer together. Praise the Lord and may he return soon.
1 second ago
The term traditional makes it sound like a consumer choice -new coke vs traditional coke – and only validates the hyper individualism and voluntarism deplored here. But in reality marriage is a definite, actual, fixed thing. The term should be retired and replaced with something like real or actual marriage – though that will certainly raise hackles.
The discussion was very appropriate as it addressed the ongoing cultural revolution. After Obergefell in 2015, when the government redefined marriage, the left decided everything was up for redefinition. What is a man? A woman? Aren’t traditional beliefs about who you can marry really bigotry? Can you have sex outside of traditional marriage? Jesus sure did not say it’s all about love and that’s all you need to to know. Jesus said that adultery and fornication (unchastity in some translations) defile a man. Matthew 15:17-19. While we don’t often live up to these ideals especially when we are young, especially when society is continually telling the lie that fornication is the way to happiness, we can learn from our mistakes and teach the next generation.
You can tell when something is of the Devil in this world and when something is of God. The devil is all about coercion, God is about freedom. The devil will hide coercion behind a veil of virtue, the vaccine mandates that happened all over the world last year and the year before, are a classic example. It was sold to people as "keeping each other safe" but what was really taking place was people were being fired from their jobs or persecuted for not taking the vaccine. Where Im from little by little personal freedom was taken away, you couldnt fly without having been vaccinated, you couldnt go to the gym, you couldnt go to the movies or theatre and if you were exposed as someone who decided not to take the vaccine you were vilified and labelled a conspiracy theorist or an extremist. The devil is all about coercion……….thats how you can recognise his hand at work, look beneath the surface, dont fall for the cover, its merely a shroud to hide whats really taking place. God is a gentleman, he will not coerce anyone, he has given us all the free will. We can choose to follow him or we can choose to go another way. There are consequences for each choice but God wont force you, the devil will though.
Why has the church lost steam? In the Christian sphere wasn’t it because of post-Vatican II changes to the liturgy? Didn’t Vatican II, the ecumenical council that opened up the door to changes to the liturgy in ‘67, diminish the very idea of sin, that the sacrifice of the mass is for your sin, and change the meaning to the Protestant idea that the mass is about the community of believers coming together? A thousand years of a mass that was unchanged, the deposit of the faith, suddenly could be changed?Coupled with the approval of birth control pill in ‘61, the late-60s rebellion against authority due to the selfish who were afraid of service in Vietnam, didnt the 60s generation set off a nihilist bomb sowing the seeds of the current disaster?
Please stop conflating the 'left' with anything anti religious. Disappointed Bishop Barron gave time to The Daily Wire, but at least Ben Shapiro did, very briefly, use the expression 'social left'. A lot, at least half I'd argue, of religious people do have left wing views, and are very proud of them. The majority of those on the left are not about the woke 'social left' agenda. They believe in fairness, helping those less well off etc. Please do not tie up all on the left with the stereotypes Jordan Petersen likes to throw about.
Ben Shapiro denies Christ and the true Israel, why should I care what he says? Bishop Barron, you need to affirm Extra Ecclesiam nulla salus to this unbelieving Jew.
The people who warned about the slippery slope for the last 4 decades were right.
I love the bishops channel, a great thinker, compassionate but very very real.
You need more Latin mass.
The unleashing of my sexual desire is the key to happiness… " ~ Sigmund Freud 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭
What a lie.
Cardinal George, late archbishop of Chicago:
" the real problem is that the government has no business defining marriage, marriage in a way is a pre political reality, it belongs to the natural law. It comes up out of our very bodiliness, it comes up out of our elemental structures of our life together."
Yes I agree and can see that. This actually explains my experience with my wife.
If people would only read the Word of God they wouldn't think that they know more than God about how to live and what is right. "Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path." Psalm 119:105 "Make them holy by your truth; teach them your Word, which is truth." John 17:17 Humankind has been in constant rebellion against God. When a person dies they either go to heaven or hell. God gave detailed instructions in his Word on how to get to heaven. There is nothing more important.