No, Safe-T Act Is Not a ‘Purge Law' in Illinois, Expert Explains

Some on social media have dubbed the Safe-T act a so-called “purge law,” likening it to the horror film “The Purge,” in which criminal activity of all kinds is allowed for 12 hours. Olayemi Olurin, the public defender behind a viral online video debunking the claim, explains why the end of cash bail does not mean the start of a…

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thank you for explaining 💪💯

Lindi Mashinini

Let me get this straight…. she's more of an expert than the Police officer who was laying out the act on live tv and will be charged with enforcing the laws?! Nah I'll pass

Jacob Niedzwiecki

I hope that this shit happens every year and every state and every place………..,hell I think that Michael Bay and Andrew form and Brad fuller and Jason blum on making more and more purge movies 🤟🤟🤟🤙🤙🤙🤙😁😁😁😁

Cynthia Knight

What happened to mentioning the fact that ppl charged with 2nd degree murder arson assault etc can be released on home monitoring a d also after SCOTUS gave ppl right to arms and now telling ppl to protect they property at they own discretion which especially in a city like Chicago can easily combined "seem" purgelike Noone said its literally the purge but shit it's alr already Been seemingly purgelike as it is . Look at the violent crime eligible for home confinement. And this chick all the way in NY

Peak Adventures

Black people wild af liking this law lol Chicago is done


If people can't afford to make bail then maybe they shouldn't be committing crimes to be put in jail in the first place grow a pair and take responsibility for your actions.


Ummmm yes it is a purge law


She’s beautiful


Is that why they passed it at midnight without properly informing the public this was even happening? I’m voting Republican this election cycle. Enough of this Woke garbage!


Does this moron realize “The Purge” is just a nickname? Violent CRIMINALS are being let free January 1st 2023 and CRIMINALS are going to be let free the same day. That’s it, those are the facts! They can feed you all the word salad they want, facts are the facts!

Dan Cook

so no matter the crime you get booked and then you get let out after 20 mins. yeah not the purge just a rotating door of criminals. kill someone got to timeout then get let out 20 mins later to kill again. if you read the law that's exactly what it says.


Full of $%#!!!

Guap Serving

They makin it like federal bail system




she laughing if somebody robbed you lol u cant call the police or a break in the police wont come


I was wrong… I think. Make sense how they pushing a false truth so certain size can win votes… nasty world we have created

Han Solo

Olay is laughing about it hahaha do you live in Chicago idiot? My employees friend got shot 20 times a week ago he was 18. Same car who shot them shot another kid 2 weeks ago. Gear up Chicago beet juice n pritzker is ruining this state

Jacob Carter

Did I not watch the right video? They can’t pursue someone who breaks house arrest until 48 hours after they leave the designated area…. You can kidnap armed burglary DUI like how is that not what is gonna happen?

MSport 88

She is a brainless human being

MSport 88

Stand your ground laws needed


Thank you, OLAYEMI OLURIN for the information about the Safe-T Act, I now understand the bill. There are people who believed the lies from them folks, and they are spreading the same lies. You tell the truth, and they try to poke holes in your story them folks tell their lies, and they can't what to pass it on. Thank you again, knowledge is power.

Habitual Line Steppa

It will be a very interesting social experiment. Stay strapped my friends.

Rationalized Mentality

Ma'am the chief of police said their wouldn't be any trespassing law enforced. The chief literally stated someone can move in on your property and the police will not touch them.

Team Boaz

This is an opportunity for new police tactics and technology to be used. We about to see Robo cops, and all kinds of crazy stuff from the law. I bet new prisons are being built now because it’s about to be mass incarceration on a new level!

Loc _Shmoney

She really believes in her goverment

Relaxing Sounds

This is what low IQ people do.