Perfect ID Refusal COPS DOESN’T KNOW THE LAW I don’t answer question first amendment audit

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Stephen Behl

Tell the sgt to,,, suck it

Stephen Behl

Have her read you,, your
Miranda rights

Stephen Behl

So,,, she lies,, take her badge

Lisa Schmidtsdorf

During my years as a cop I learned for certain that DEAD COPS SAVE LIVES AND SO DO DEAD QUOTA HIRES


"do I have to give you my ID?" yes you do! "oh. since you are willing to lie to my face, I am going going to invoke my 5th Ammendment Rights for the duration of this nonconsentual conversation, thank you.

Kipperbob Sam

Dude, you need a pop filter for your mike,


you keep saying cops dont know the law yet you keep getting arrested for failure to ID… funny that hey… you still calling cops on yourself like patty cakes does?


Cop logic is no logic.

Steven Bass

More lying quota hire "HEROES".

Glenn Fulton

Are they the feelings please this is unbelievable they say you have to understand I don't have to understand or listen to any of the garbage that you're spewing out reasonable articulable suspicion other than that kick rocks don't talk to me we're done

lou oldschool

the next time they lie to you tell them you want to talk to the person that told them to say that

Butch Baird

She’s a disgrace as an officer

Butch Baird

She really thinks because she looks like a monster out of a horror show she can scare people into giving up there rights !
She doesn’t understand much !

Robin Groeneveld

Best response would be: FAT CHANCE!

Allan Eisner

Does this cop think she is in Cuba, or some other Fascist State?

Allan Eisner

She almost gets it,but ignores the logic of the words she just spoke!

Allan Eisner

When will the police learn that just because people are concerned by open carry (which is understandable) doesn’t mean it’s illegal. Now, here in Canada it is illegal except when hunting or you have a special permit.

Allan Eisner

If only this clown knew American Civil Rights she would be embarrassed!

Roy Smothers

another female cop trying to spiro agnew


Run like rats

John Power

"It's completely fine for you to be open carrying out here but! I would be FO then


"I would like to get your ID for identification purposes." … OK — that's pretty damn funny.


I will never get tired of watching well informed citizens truth slap idiotic cops.

Fuck Google

If I continue to wring my hands, it'll show that I'm right. Or how Tyrus says it, "hand wrangling".

Robert Douglas

Everything after But is – bull shi_ . This sargent just saved this town from a lawsuit, just because these two Tyrants don't know the Law. Now that you're educated Watch more YouTube and learn the Law for Free, idiots.. Great Video 👍👍👍…


Only in America…. standing on a street corner openly carrying a shotgun…. and it’s all okay ‘cos it’s in the constitution. Mind boggling. “My 1st, 2nd and 4th Amendment Rights are so precious”… yeah and 200+ years out of date. It’s no wonder America is so f*cked up and a laughing stock in the eyes of the world.

Brett Wheeler

I take it that he's STILL detained? I never heard the sow release him from his detention!!

Firstplusfourth Equalfith

Please please continue to put these aces n da hole in their places. Oh Yeah!!!!!



david deMorais

She cannot know the law but sure she knows where is the bacon.😁

Patrick Moss

Ive seen some videos where the officer's say they are set up,I don't believe that if they know their job and what they are supposed to do and they do it


You would think with the thousands of videos like this, these cops would watch em and learn from em. But cops like to think they're doing right within the law. When they actually know nothing about the laws they try to enforce. Idiots. FTP!!!

Razor Joe

Manufacturing an investigation based on I dont like you asserting your rights.

Sounds like a felony, treason.

Mano Nfire

"Lady "? With hands like it had? You're joking right?

bullwinkle J moose

why do they always say "everything you're doing is perfectly fine."? they should tell that to the person who called and save a trip

Michael Meixner

Well done, great audit.