Rosa was driving her Model 3 in Las Vegas, Nevada, just as she was going through an intersection. She got sideswiped by a pickup truck.

The pickup driver changed lanes without using their turn signal, and they evidently didn’t check their mirrors or blind spots. Rosa says the Tesla didn’t give her any warnings, but she does remember autopilot breaking slightly and swerving to the right. The initial impact scared her, causing her to slam on the brakes.

No airbags deployed and the car was still drivable. Rosa pulled over and stayed in her car, very upset over what had happened. When the lady driving the truck walked over, she told Rosa that the accident was her fault. She claimed that Rosa had changed lanes and hit her. Eventually she noticed Rosa was on the verge of tears and asked her if she was okay.

She just nodded, and the other driver walked away to call her husband. After the police came and reviewed the Teslacam footage, the case was open and shut.

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Driving an auto pilot mood while in city traffic? That doesn’t strike me as a very smart thing to do. What do you all think?

Yogsen Forfoth

Shit like this is EXACTLY why every single car needs to have a dash cam.

kihdd khalifa

Dude. It’s pronounced (Ne-Vad-Uh)!!

douglas gawitt

Wow, that lady is a scumbag for strait up lying.

Răzvan Valeriu Radu

That's so American 😂

Shawn Industries

Omg, seriously, gonna cry over a little fender bender.. grow up people.. this is NOTHING in the big scheme of things..
And yes, lady in truck is an asshat, but the lady in the pos tesla needs to not wait for "warnings" from her car and just drive defensively… Lol, "the car didnt give her any warnings" right, cause its a car…

Mike B

Lady driving a truck says it all. Definitely her fault…. 😆 I'm kidding.. slightly…

Toboe Key

Lady in the truck like wut da fuck how can the tesla change lanes when the tesla is all the way on the rite fuckin lane next to the curb that lady in the truck shouldnt be driving any more 😮‍💨😮‍💨

Just Random Things

The Tesla driver is either a liar or an idiot. She definitely wasn't using autopilot. If she was, she's stupid for using it while driving in town considering it doesn't stop for traffic lights, pedestrians, stop signs etc. It's meant for freeway use.

mason Macronav

“That was your fault.”

“You changed lanes and hit me.”

Rosa should have said, “Was I also driving a black pickup truck?”


How doesn't she know Tesla's have cameras on the outside, unless she's doesn't have access to media she should know that.

Throne Walker

Glad Rosa is ok. I couldn’t care less about the tesla.

Greg Moress

Rosa's daddy had a car she loved to drive…
Stole the keys one night and took me for a ride…

Dominik Saworski

What felt from the Tesla when the truck hit it? Some type of glass or something, was it the Tesla window?


Даже колпак не слетел с колеса. Уровень качества огонь 🔥

Average Picker

Can we just stop saying, "___ was driving their tesla," when it was autopilot. And while we are at it, can people just start actually driving. You could quite easily see that hazard of a truck coming if you were paying attention



Computers Cats and More

Illegally changing multiple lanes so they can make their turn. What a bad driver.


It's "Nuh-va-duh" not "Nuh-VAH-duh"

It sounds how it's spelt lol Nevada not Nevahda

Insta Cat

if rosa knew what she was doing she could've avoided that.


Ne-vah-dah? Bro, it’s nuh-VAD-uh. ("a" as in dad and NOT "a" is in odd)


Crying doesn't help anyone. Why do grown ups do this? Are you 5 years old? WTF?!?!


You can't lie if you hit tesla

Chris Lockwood

glad she had cameras. some people can be so dishonest.

Jordan J

That’s not the way you say Nevada. say Nevada that way it’s like saying Illinois, and pronouncing the S at the end. It’s something small to you, but it’s major to Nevada to the fact we will unsubscribe from you if you keep on saying that.

Josh Dwiggins

What I don't think people are picking up on is the people in the crosswalk to the right. The Tesla had a decision to make, kill people or get in an accident. Good decision on the cars part

Unique Guy

Truck power. That bumper didn’t moved.
Also, why Tesla people want their cara to give warnings for everything??? Just stay alert. ❤


Women ☕

Nigel Montezuma


Bruce Fread

When you buy gas or diesel, road tax is included in the price. When you drive Teslas, you ride for free. Well not exactly for free, on the fuel taxes that someone else paid.


Damn daniel