Sister-in-Law Broke Woman’s Nose in Front of Kids? | Part 1

Jared says his wife put their son down before getting into a fist fight with his sister.


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Magical Lex

Every time she say “Do we understand each other?” When she call them out for lying be having me in tears 😂😂

Diana Prince

Whomever names their child Apollo is asking for trouble.

Telly Boo

As she should , I bet her raggedy ass was jealous of this woman smh

Telly Boo


Spencer Lent

Ok so why start in the middle
Of this case?!?!?

Dalayna Medina

This happened to me lmao. My husband almost decked his own sister 😆 if he didn’t, he would be my ex husband. We also fought in the 9th grade too 😅😂

Pancake 52

They were all going to church. 😂😂😂😂

Pancake 52

Don’t they teach grammar anymore in school. Verb tenses?!?!

Knows Nugget

GOING TO CHURCH OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Knows Nugget


B Lynn

Wow he’s a terrible liar 😩

Cee Dub619cameraman

Same people that fight at Chuck Chuck E cheese endangering kids

Journey to a Better Meek

This is clearly part 2 and part 2 should really be part 3… WHERE IS PART1??? CUZ this ain’t it

Hi Friends🍿😎

I can't stand the defendant's off centered hair puff balls 🙄🙈


The woman looks exactly like she acts — an uneducated loudmouth. Clearly, she gets it from her mom. This whole family is embarrassing to watch.

corrine alexander

how is this part one?

The Group Home Goddess

The plaintiff's face looks twisted

Catherine Hanner

He has verbal skills of 3 year old


LOL the plaintiff is just one bad decision after another

Pink France

Beat down by disrespectful outsider. Probably deserved it

billyBbad mollyholly

Shifty eyes that wonder, don't like JJ The Truth Magnet!

Quintin Rice

The fact that this "Father" let his wife get assaulted by his Sister in front of their Children. Then, he let a neighbor get his child from the middle of the street. I'd keep this tape and bring it to every custody hearing. JJ was correct when she told the Grand Mother to Zip It!!! They stay with their mother and they will hear her side of the story every single day. He's a P*ssy for not stepping between these ladies and stopping this from ever getting this this far.

Aigbe Eromon

I don't need this now. I want to know what happened to the sleazy tow truck operators. Where is the Part 3?

Dog lover JB

a little fat lip…wants $ for pain and suffering. how ridiculous.


The person running this channel has crackish ways xD

The Show and Tell Show ;D

based on the hair I believe it

sy w

I remember this episode. Sis & mom need to stay in their lane & understand the meaning of leave & cleave. This is why these man can’t be grown & held accountable to the families the build. Smh.


Some people are totally nutty. Anyone who gets into a fight in front of children are clearly lacking in brain cells

RedPanda van Leven

Uploads have been messy lately

Perfection Not Allowed

This is why spouses can’t testify against each other in court. The sanctity of marriage. He’s in covenant with her, he is not going to throw her under the bus and he shouldn’t.

Keith Gunvordahl

I love JJ's truth-detecting defendant-melting laser beam eyes…!!

Jessica Collins

She is always rude to anyone who is not white. She talks to people of color way worse than she does white people

Kimberly Gore

You had one job! To put Part 1,2&3 together 🙄


The first part of this episode was on Fox at 5pm yesterday and its called Child Abuse Allegations and Assault. The second part of this case/episode is called: Street Cat Fight in front of children/ Young waiter dupes older man. It's on today at 5pm on Fox.

Chasity Ama La Luz

Ya’ll TRIPPIN’!!! Where is Part 1???!


This man is a straight punk.


I have a feeling the person uploading these videos is drunk or high and has forgotten the order of uploading the videos. We love you man but if you keep us hanging by loading half-baked cases then your case on our viewership will be dismissed! Judgment for the viewers… NO MORE WATCHING! 😁

Sterling Forbes

This case makes no sense to me, confusing. BUT… I don't care cause I'm so damn happy about the outcome of Part 3 from yesterday.


it'd be nice to see part one of this case.


Some of you want to judge the mother for having misplaced priorities and putting the kid down in the street but if I told you JJ just uploaded past three of that tow truck case…


If you ever see this tribe in a drive thru, find another place to get your nuggets.


Now these lunatics are releasing the end of episodes when they didn’t show the beginning!

JJ trying to make us crazy.