My sister in law is going to get married for the third time and she needed a place to celebrate her wedding. She asks a family discount and rented my property. I and my husband were not invited because we are not a close family to her. Oh well few days later she gives back the key with a smug smile on her face and I go check my property…
#sisterinlaw #weddingvenue #listenablestory
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Story 4: you know there are plenty of men that actually prefer a big girl over a skinny one. And you're right it's not about her weight, I have friends who are on the heavier side that always has a guy around them, honestly I think it's because of the vibe they put off. Your friend turn being a victim into a personality and a defense mechanism, that way she can be terrible to every woman she needs including her friends, but if they ever call her out on it it's because they don't get it. She won't change until she wants to, I say fang out with someone else until then.
8:06 Hold up. OP was barely 15 years old when she had her first child?
Wedding story – there is a fine line between just wanting a peaceful wedding, and catering to what everyone else wants and becoming a bridezilla……
A wedding is NOT the place to express “your” beliefs or “your” views. The bride and groom, (if all goes well), will have a beautiful wedding with lots of pics to remember it by.
I know “most” weddings are held in churches of some sort, but political and religious views by the guests should be left at home, not brought with them to start fights with.
S1: OP is NTA but her husband's side are AH. SIL signed a contract so she owes for damages…lol
S2: OP is NTA but hubbie/MIL are AH…lol
S3: OP is NTA. The sis can't dictate how a person acts in public as long as it is not disruptive.
S4: OP is NTA but her friend has a crappy attitude toward women. She will always be in the friend zone with guys because of her attitude and physical appearance.
S5: OP is NTA but hubbie is AH and up to something.
The vacation story. A guy who refuses to take responsibility for his own actions, who runs to mommy to blame his wife for his own choices and who still thinks getting drunk off his ass to the point he injures himself is really good dad material. OP needs to rethink.
Gay or not, dressing like a flashy flamingo for someone else's wedding, male or female, is never going to be in good taste. Stick to a dark suit/white shirt and maybe a pink tie and maybe vest if he wants to express himself in a less flamboyant, more tasteful way.
The last story. At first I thought he was doing it to be a petty Ahole, as I have dated man-children before who have deliberately done that. But him coming home and making sure you see him dump the trash of the takeaway reeks of "see, I'm not cheating, this is proof I went out for food". OP should carry on as usual, but check the trash, and then speak to a lawyer and prepare herself financially and mentally for a divorce, and I would say kick him out and keep the house and kids. Would like to find out an update to that story.
macho man needs a massage and his mummy? pay peanuts, get monkeys.
Wedding Outfit. If it were any other person complaining about a bride wanting specific reasonable things people would be saying it's her wedding so she has the right to choose. Put the kid in a darn black/blue suit and stop using the wedding to make a statement.
S2, NTI, one reason my wife and I only go on about 1 out of 4 vacations together, the other times we go each to our own way, I like to go to a place, stay and walk, talk, eat with locals and dig into local history. I research in depth before the vacation. My wife is the 10 countries in 20 days type of tourist. However, we both agree the best holidays we have had have been together.
So OP wasn't even invited to her SIL's wedding on her own family's property, and then they trashed the place and thought that they had done so without consequences?
S1, NTI, choosing beggar, better of ghosting her and if her mother persists ghosting her also.
Natalie the insecure friend…if this was Natalia, and she is now claiming to be a lesbian, I think I know her.
The comments on that last story are absolutely wild. "won't eat your cooking=clearly cheating?" And why would he make a show of throwing away the fast food bags if it was aid for with a secret credit card? Husband is clearly just doing a power play. To what end, I don't know.
Final story why would anyone continue to cook.
While something is definitely going on, jumping to cheating seems illogical since he's purposefully doing this in Op's face. To me, it sounds like he's trying to make a statement but just won't come out and say it. I think he doesn't like Op's cooking and wants her to know it.
Story 1: NTA they destroyed the property and they signed an agreement saying they're responsible for any damages so they need to pay
Story 2: NTA he's a grown ass man, he's in control of his own actions, honestly I would reconsider having a baby with him, he's not mature enough
Story 3: NTA pink isn't feminine, "act straight" OP don't go and don't put your son anywhere around her, this isn't healthy for him
If pink didn't fit the colour scheme fair enough
Story 4: NTA she's a self-centred, misogynistic, jealous, pick me, incel like, asshole why are you friends with her?
Story 5: NTA that's just rude, stop cooking for him
First story – omigod, take SIL to the cleaners. Ruin her life in court! Yike. If a family member let me use a massive property for a family discounted rate, I'd leave it cleaner than I found it, with flowers in every room and a long thank you note. What SIL did is inexcusable, for family or anyone else.
The last story…. Ma’am your food is nasty…… he is not cheating. You just can’t cook
S2: I would not have a kid with a man baby mommy calling bitch
Can't backpack like a 20-something when you are 35+.
I'm ex-Army Infantry, and the thought of backpacking Europe/South America at age 40+ gives me nightmares.
At 18, I could hike 20+ miles with full gear. At 35, fuck no.
Backpacking young is good because you are: Young & Broke.
Credit Card # on receipt is meaningless. Gpay & other payment apps spoof your # every transaction
I think the husband in the last story is hiding something. He's trying to make it obvious that he has an alibi. I've been seeing that some people are saying that he just doesn't like her cooking, but they've been married long enough to have 2 kids so he has obviously eaten her food before and this whole eating out thing is a new development. I think he's cheating because she's working a lot and he's going to see his little piece on the side for a little bit because his wife is home with the kids so she won't catch him. He's an AH! And if it just that he doesn't like her cooking, then he really needs to put on his big boy panties and tell her. 🙄😠
I was laughing at this story. I can see this attitude prevalent in some folks I know.