Sovereign Citizen Court Fail

They never learn


The new microphone! (Blue Yeti)


Sovereign Citizens In Court Playlist

Sovereign Citizens #6 – Moor Bank Fail

Song: Xenogenesis
Artist: TheFatRat
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The microphone! (Tonor Q9)

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Patricia Evans

Bless Judge Middleton he makes so many idle threats….folks are gonna start flocking to where he is and committing crimes so they don’t get into trouble. Much as I like him he’s a little bit of an enabler…


Ummm… In Michigan, if you get a ticket for driving with a suspended license then you will have your license suspended… that is already suspended? Ok. That is some strange logic from whomever wrote that law/statute.


Middleton and Debbie gave this young guy some great advice! They really went above and beyond to try and help this guy. 🤦🏻‍♀️

Townsend Fletcher

Anyone know where to find any updates on the Sov-Cit defendant?

I couldn't figure out his name from the video.

Becky Hoopes

I really don't think I have ever seen a judge and a prosecutor try so hard to save the defendant from himself

Mi Mi

I am still amazed at how formal and time consuming misdemeanors and traffic are in some jurisdictions. These tickets would be handled with a quick dispatch in the counties I practice in.

McNulty's Sober Companion

That fact that he can rattle off all the codes to various laws says to me he's "learned" everything by rote without actually internalizing or understanding any of it. Fundamentalism will fail you every time.

Lisa Haase Custom Sewing

They always act so surprised when their mumbo jumbo doesn't work right away. From here on out, we will be grasping at straws.

James Henderson

Internet. Law. Is. Real.

James Henderson

No. Body. No crime.

James Henderson

Multiple. DUI. Oh. No. That's. Me. Total of 7. In my career

Nikita Ferguson

I would be so pissed if I was called for jury duty and this was the ridiculous haha

Ken V

Awesome judge even the prosecutor was fair. Too bad the sovcit is an idiot.

Alanna Hayter

Oh my goodness! I can't believe that this kid has already fallen THIS hard for Sov Cit stupid! Does he seriously think that since the website ends in .gov that it's official? Just give him an hour with Arty or someone to explain all the Sov Idiot arguments on the website are cherry picked and won't work 🤦‍♀️ OH Mike, I sooooo hope we get to see this trial!

Priscilla Astling

You can’t bring your own jury pool with you when you show up at court.

Land Shark

If this was a brother, they would have said "whatever", pay your fucking fines dude.

Magie Gainey

I love how judges McNally, Middleton and Simpson treat everyone like they are their Dad. They are so caring! 😊
It must be so frustrating for them to go thru all this for people and then the people make really stupid decisions.
It’s like a slap in the face.


You can hear the disappointment in judge's voice, he and Deborah tried at least.


I am a really nice Grandma, but this guy isn’t a little kid. Let him mess this up after all of that help and go without a license. Geez. LOL

Lanin Thomasma

Maybe he can pay his Coldwater ticket in Google Play gift cards. The Nigerian scammers always go for those.


I like watching LTWM. Watching these idiots make me feel like one of the smartest people on earth.


So they explain the little bit he needs to do to get his license back. Then give him a sweet plea deal. Judge Middelton reads off the charges and potential punishments. So would he rather go the easy route or attempt to fight the charges in a jury trial and end up with 2 or more times the cost and still losing his license? The odds are ever in our favor he will go to trial.

Mike Clontz

He's beaten before the trial even starts. What a moron.

Mike Regalado

I sure would LOVE to see this trail….I've yet to actually SEE one of these go to trail and watch what happens.

Freddie The Sort Of OK

Significantly, judge Middleton didn't ask the bailiff to check if the guy drove to court… perhaps because he already knew the answer.


This is one of those where I disagree with the judge; he let him off way too easy.
This guy needs to face actual consequences



Rick C

31 Favors

Scum judges need to remove.

Shonda Reese

A skull made of steel. Dude, they're trying to help you!!


You know you've watched a little too much 3B when Debbie Davis can just say 257.326 and you already know that it's allowing another to violate the motor vehicle code without it having to be said.

Shonda Reese

Oh boy. I pick a pro se sovcit to accompany my 7am coffee. Ugh


Love how Middleton just low key humiliates these fools. I will never understand their logic. The tenth amendment is very clear on this but it doesn’t fit into their psychotic agenda so of course they never mention or acknowledge it because they have no defense or arguments that can justify ignoring it. Bottom line they are all retarded and should just be locked up for the full 93 days every time they try to pull this bs. Enough is enough with going easy on these idiots.


They offered him an off-ramp from the Sovcit highway, hope he takes it


Gotta keep an eye on this case! When they do the trial and his video of him being pulled over is entered as evidence, it'd be made public right? Might be able to find it and watch it after that.

Joseph Pearlman

Why waste their time? He has already spouted the sovtard mantra and even if he paid the citation he will never get registration or insurance.