2019 marked the two-hundredth anniversary of the Custom House at Salem Maritime National Historic Site. A custom firm has been collecting taxes for the Federal Government in Salem since 1649. During the Colonial period, Salem ’ s custom house supported the british government. Following the Revolutionary War and the constitution of the U.S. Customs Service in 1789, collections began to support the american government .
The Old Custom House, located on Central and Essex Streets housed the Customs Service from its construction in 1805 to 1807, and late from 1813 to 1819 anterior to the open of the Derby Street Custom House .
The 1819 Custom House on Derby Street once housed the offices of U.S. Customs officials while the adjacent three-story Public Stores build was used as memory facility for merchant cargo before duties were paid. Wares included textiles, ceramics, artwork, and spices from around the world. Salem ’ randomness spice trade produced goods like pepper and cinnamon, which along with silk, porcelain, indian cotton textiles, and bone proved to be some of the most valuable items processed in the Custom House.
Varying levels of U.S. Customs officials worked in the Custom House under the Collector of Customs. Assisted by the Deputy Collector, the Collector of Customs would manage all of the port ’ randomness records. Merchants and captains bringing goods into Salem would visit this agency to pay any compulsory duties and put in forms like ship enrollments or crowd manifests .
soon after gaining independence from Britain, custom duties comprised 90 % of the federal budget. 8 % of the budget was supported by duties paid by merchants, who praised the new Customs Service for creating a criterion for regulations throughout the U.S. Before extra government agencies were created, the Customs Service was besides responsible for veterans ’ benefits, trade statistics, lighthouses, immigration, and search and rescue at seas .
The computer architecture of the Custom House includes elements normally seen in government buildings with exterior columns, elaborately carved woodwork, and high ceilings. Though the build was used by the U.S. Customs Service until 1930, the interior furnishings primarily reflect former nineteenth century styles.
Read more: Maritime search and rescue – Documentary
The eagle seen atop the Custom House today is a fiberglass replica of the original 1826 wood carved piece. Following years of restoration sour, the original eagle was moved inside the Custom House where it is on display today, and the replica was added to the build up ’ randomness façade in 2004. The original eagle was hand carved by local craftsman Joseph True, and was purchased by the Custom House in 1826 for $ 50 .
While touring the offices of the Custom House, visitors today can view the office of Nathaniel Hawthorne, who worked as a Customs Officer while writing The Scarlet Letter. The introduction to his 1850 novel is titled “ The Custom House, ” and it reflects Hawthorne himself as narrator ’ mho thoughts share his feelings on animation and working in Salem in the mid-19th hundred.
Read more: What is the Maritime Industry?
The Custom House is located in the Salem Maritime National Historic Site at 160 Derby Street and is open to the public for detached, self-guided tours seasonally. Learn more and plan your visit at NPS.gov/SaMa .
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