The Law of Relativity

The law of relativity was put forth by Albert Einstein.
The theory is made up of two parts: the Special Theory of Relativity, which he published in 1905, and the General Theory of Relativity which was published in 1916.
According to Einstein, the law of relativity states that all of motion must be relatively defined, taking a frame of reference.
This shows that space and time are relative rather than just an absolute concept.
In the theories put forth by Einstein, he talks about the presence of black holes, gravitational waves, and the possibility of time travel.
He talks about how the world came into being and what role the Big Bang had in it.
His laws of relativity revolutionized physics completely.
The law of relativity is a revolutionary theory that has changed how physics looks today.
The law of relativity was published by Albert Einstein.
The law is divided into two theories.
The first theory is special relativity which was formulated and published in 1905.
It took Einstein over a decade to publish the general theory of relativity.
Einstein’s studies correlate with work done by Galileo and Newton.
However, his ground-breaking theories are solely responsible for identifying some of the physics most devastating consequences, which are still followed to date.
The theory of special relativity talks about objects in uniform motion.
The theory quite essentially explains the relationship between time and space.
This theory has two main postulates by which it functions.
This is the principle of invariant light and the principle of relativity.

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Ron Kreike

Q: Einstein never agreed with bigbang-theory and he never refuted his idea of a universe that began as an infinite emptiness?
To explain the origin of gravity Einstein assumed an interaction between that emptiness and spacetime,
that caused space to bend into matter and gravity, while time throughout the universe can be relative?

Miciah Jordan

Great video

Brandon M

25 SEE

Heads up

Relativity is theory not law. I'm not against it but you are misleading.


Einstein was a plagiarist. He stole his ideas from German scientists. Plus, he was a deadbeat dad who did not take care of his daughter. This guy in no way should be held up as an example of the pinnacle of intelligence in our society. Instead, that position should be held by Nicolas Tesla Who was the smartest man that ever lived.

Pura Vida

Did you coin the term LAW yourself? It's a THEORY as far as I know.


For a full explanation of the universe follow the wisdom of Katholikos Cycleology here the vibrations of our Brother Thoth.


Prepare for war

Enoch 68:5

False messiah


and his children not in my house let go of my church they have CHIPED.

dean campbell

Theory or law. What is it.? It's garbage. Toss it.


I stopped watching after 3 minutes which contain several errors. Don't base your knowledge on this! Go elsewhere if you want a well thought out and edited doc.

John Clark

Cartoon voice,


There is no such thing as a "Law" of Relativity. Einstein himself called it the "Relativity Principle" and it is generally referred to as as the Theories of Relativity. Nowhere does the concept of a law show up in Einstein's scientific theorizing.


These days, pretty well all videos of this kind, describe relativity in sections. Meanwhile, Special Relativity(SR) can be described as a whole, with just one simple geometric representation of motion scribbled on a piece of paper. One tiny little geometric scribble, is all it takes. By simply looking at it, you can immediately see the cause behind length contraction, the cause behind time dilation, the cause behind the strangeness of velocity additions, and you can see the foundation of which the Lorentz transformations lie within. In fact, you can use the very same geometric representation of motion, to derive the SR mathematical equations, and do so in mere minutes, including of course deriving the Lorentz transformation equations. But, that would make it too simple for everyone.

Brainstorming & sharing

Absolutely well done and definitely keep it up!!! 👍👍👍👍👍

zdcyclops1 lickley

A law is not the same thing as a theory. A law can be applied to any phenomena and doesn't make predictions. A theory explains a limited set of phenomena and how the system evolves over time. Example Newtons laws of motions make statements about any object that is in motion or at rest. Theories make testable predictions.