Truck Edition: Replace an intake manifold gasket professionally. | Victoria’s Practical Tips

Removing an intake manifold gasket from a truck professionally? That is what our expert Victoria is showing today. And not only that: she will, among other things, clean the sealing surfaces on the engine and check the surfaces of the intake manifold gasket for defects.
Last but not least, Victoria will demonstrate how to professionally tighten the original Victor Reinz® gasket with bolts – on the vehicle.

Dana is an original equipment manufacturer and replacement part supplier for vehicles and sells everything around gaskets. OEMs trust in the quality of Victor Reinz®.

#truck #oem #expert

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Victor Manuel Hope

Gracias victoria eres un amor 😍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🖐️✊🤝✌️☝️💛🏳️🧠👽🥋👁️

Victor Manuel Hope

Thank you so much for such a beautiful and beautiful video to guide so many useless and retarded California mechanics who abuse and steal their customers, I think that's enough.🖐️✊🤝✌️☝️💛💛💛💛💛🏳️🧠❤️💙😍🌠🥋👁️👽🐝😇🤗