Brendan Miller from Foster LLP gives the public a simple breakdown of what scenarios would have to transpire for the government to have justification to invoke the #emergencyact. And it’s not looking good for the #trudeaumustgo government.

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Deta Manage

Hay, Hay , ho ho ,Crime minster Truedope and the Chinese Turban must go.

Seas-the- Day

These lawyers etc are also Canadian hero’s standing shoulder to shoulder with our Canadian truckers hero’s 🙂 Canada 🇨🇦 has proven to have great great great Canadians 🙂 after 2 + long years hope has come … and the path is being forged …. We the ppl have united our voices and are showing up to be counted as ppl with rights that deserve the same respect as those stepping on us 🙂


the canadians that voted for this tyrant fool boy child disgust me. THEY are the true threat to our democracy.

Don Turner

The rcmp destroyed heavy equipment near Coots so what does that make them

Lisa LaRocque

I bet somebodies gonna take Trudeau out

Janice Rideout

:22 You may be looking at that from the wrong angle. Free land was looking mighty nervous before she announced their sweeping banking changes they gave themselves permission to do when they invoked the EA. I read yesterday a royal bank associate claimed that the gov installed account software during that brief moment banks had closed up shop. CBA were 'chosen' by the WEF in 2016 to implement the digital ID. Libs just signed over $105 mil to the WEF to put the digital ID together.

James Kulevich

Idiot Canadians will vote him right back in.

Steven Thibert

All i know is my rights were suspended and going into the past trudeu gave a terrorist ten million and I've done nothing wrong how much do i get.

Christopher Dean

This guy’s use of rhetoric “Are you going to hear evidence of this? The answer is no” makes him sound like a fvcking moron delivering a dramatic movie monologue, just like JT does. And I deeply oppose mandates. Hopefully he smartens up and starts speaking to us like an adult whose intelligence he respects.

MN Irwin

Wow, I didn’t realize the hearings were over. Oh wait, they’re not. Nice to see the pronouncement coming down from the mountain despite that. I mean, who needs to hear ALL the evidence, right? 🤣

Avi P.

Trudeau for prison

Qwa Zert

That weasel will squirm out from under this just like he did with the SNC/WE/JWR scandals…it's up to US, the voters to get this imbecile out of Ottawa once and for all.

And remember: NO MORE TRUDEAU'S………………………………….EVER!!!!!

Practice Cave

Did you ever hear of the Teflon Don. And to top it off, Trudeau chooses the Enquiry Commissioner . Speak at the next election..

donald weisenheim

Never trust a lawyer with the same exact haircut he had in high-school in 1998

Donna Green

JT's WEF policies is foreign interference?! 🤔


The only deceptive influence is Trudeau

Carolle Hince

Trudeau should be in prison and all the peoples who lies in there testimony

Bob Crane

Gotta love the biased headlines here. The COmmission has not yet decided that it was unjustified yet the headline has Trudeau tried, found guilty and sentenced. Mindless propagnda at its best. LMAO.


And yet…all of those things ARE happening. Orange is the new Black. Secret Societies and Subversive Movements.

Gary Faulds

It will not matter what comes out , Trudeau liberal government has a liberal judge an liberal jury an a liberal media . The only fair way to get rid of Justin Trudeau is the vote an im not so sure the Liberal government doesnt have that rigged as well .

Kylie Symonds
Gerri McGrath


Robert Black

Trudeau is a tyrant dictator, he should be legally removed from office.


Time to start asking BIG questions about the WEF


read the damn charter for once idiots


Well, when he’s dragged out of parliament and tossed into the back of a police van, I’ll applaud the report. Until then, it’s just another Hunter Biden laptop story of hot air going no where.


That criminal belongs behind bars and no where else

william v

Uhh 6weeks of the charade. Misleading caption click bait one can say. Kind of ugly.

Erik Berard

He will get away with it