A 25-year-old Alabama woman was arrested after throwing a tantrum at a Miami airport and allegedly throwing a computer monitor at an employee. The Law&Crime Daily team has the latest on this story.
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"I've seen worse, it's Miami." Okay that is a funny quote. Also a lawsuit over a trailer? What? 5 million??? That person is going to be lucky to get their ticket refunded after paying all of those legal fees, now that's a frivilous and ridiculous lawsuit there.
Imagine living around Ni
Can't believe how entitled these people are while contributing nothing to society.
Haha, jail time? Not a chance, who would watch her kids? Baby Daddy isn't anywhere to be found so it would be a hardship on the kids.
Did she throw one of her FAKE eyelashes at someone as well??
Low intelligence and low impulse control.
I don’t understand how she thought this would help.
She needs mental help if this ticked her off imagine if kids missed the bus! Etc. Instant temper tantrum or mama bear looking for her cubs. Parenting classes also!💜🙏💜
Disgusting behavior. I hope her tantrum costs her time and money.
Hulk Smash
Only 20+ years in prison??? GIve her 10,000 years, 100 billion dollar fine, send her kids to Siberia!!! Come on people, she has mental issues and didn't hurt anyone…..fine of $5, and free meditation classes.
Her own kids prolly don’t like her 🤣🤣so why would anyone else !!! What a pile of 💩!
The kids were not lost, they jumped on a jet to leave their mom. They wanted a new start in life
The real one percenters
I always found that one my kids went missing driving to the nearest computer store and trashing it would help them turn up
I hate this happened to her, and I hate that she couldn’t remain none physical, however no one mentions how her kids were found and back to safety! Why illuminate this situation in social media!
She should be locked up no matters what I really think her kids would be better of with out her cause she probably beats them too cause of that short fuse
It's a lot more effective to look for your kids than throwing a fit. If she's this quick to anger and violent I have to wonder how she treats her kids and family members.
McMilly? More like McStupid.
Crazy Momma
Terry, what has happened? Please ask for help ASAP
Stop having babies you are incapable of caring for properly ladies
She's the victim y'all! LOL. Why is it anyone else's fault or responsibility for HER children?! Let's see, folks wanna talk about Karens and whyyyyyte privilege but I only see 'sistas' doing this type of mess.
Does she realize it’s her own job to keep track of her own children if CPS takes the children away from unstable environment she’s gonna be missing them a lot more. Also, if she’s doing jail time. At what point does she take responsibility for not knowing where her children are.
Imagine how she acts in private.
As we know from past incidents absolutely NOTHING will be done about this.
What’s the charge for wearing those blue sausage casings…..🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮
Does all that instead of actually looking for her children
How you doing…
That's not panic mode. That's violent mode.
Sumo wrestling teams are beating her door down.
Who in the world raised her to be that entitled? It’s barbaric!
Girl hit the gym not the airport.
Stay classy, ABW…..
I assume she found her kids?
i have no respect for someone who can't even be bothered to get dressed in proper out-of-the-house attire. she probably does this at Walmart too.
25 Is too young to have 2 children. She's venting sub-counsious un-lived and un-resolved single-life (pre-children) emotions in a manner not suiting her nor norms
That's sure to make people want to help you find your kids, that you yourself lost.
I'm so tired of ignorant, low IQ individuals.