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Hey, you might think that this info makes me your lawyer, but it doesn’t and I’m not. Sorry, but I AM NOT YOUR LAWYER unless we have an engagement agreement. I am just providing public information here, like a library does, and am not providing you with legal advice about your situation. So, it would be totally unreasonable for you to conclude we have an attorney-client relationship just because you’re viewing this information.
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I live in England
Who else watches Law By Mike while not living in the US?
In canada you literally just don't talk
How can cops use your words to put you in jail
What happens when one invokes the 5A then tells a complete nonsense story that is completely unrelated to the issue at hand?
I'm from India what should I say instead of "I invoke the fifth"
Does this also work in Louisiana ?
Could You Please Do A Series on Laws in different countries I’m Aussie so love your stuff but it might not work in my country much love keep it up mike!
It sure does happen more than you think. The January 6 committee trying to get Trump's associates to testify is a prime example.
How do ppl not know the amendments
Hey Mike my job has me on call full time but I only get paid for service calls is there a way I can get reimbursed for my on call hours?
How come many don't understand the 1st. People get so upset at cameras
My question is why not just be honest and admit the guilt because doesn't that get you off easier?
What about someone blamed something on you that you didn’t do
Is it lilgl for a lid tp be lesbians
What if you get hit by a car what yo do
Does it work in Europe?
Bro why is this a question? is this not a standard thing to learn in school outside of Florida? The fact that people be trying to learn civics from YouTube kinda scares me a little…
If i learned anything from you
It's that US police are evil monsters who want to jail you for pure fun. That's why us citizens must invoke the 5th to protect ourselves.
Look no offense but lawyers are kinda poop 😳 [ sorry] but ANYONE WHO speaks to police with no lawyer especially when innocent are foolish 🤔 😉 no offense man. Least u give good ass advice 👍
If your lawyer die , the court make a ruling against the plaintiff and the defense attorneys closed the case . What is the recourse for the plaintiff and the time left to act in the state of Georgia
Is there anything legally binding about a red light ticket or a speed camera ticket? I'm in NY/NJ, but asking more generally. I always heard that if they can't prove who was driving the vehicle (which they can't), then you can write that on the back and mail it in and it will be dismissed. True or false?
Can you invoke the 5th even if a cop has already asked a question?
I love this guys music choice
Can a tourist invoke the 5th
Mike, You're the best Sir. 👌
"I invoke the fifth"
"Sir you're robbing Wendy with a sausage"
If people don't even know their rights then how do you know if a cop is actually violating them? A shame dumb people are allowed to vote.
What if you invoke the 2nd and pull out a gun
How many criminals is this guy protecting?
what if i lose my voice? will just showing an open hand work to convey it?
Will it work in the UK
You said that the 5th in “I invoke the 5th” was apart of the 5th amendment which is a US thing. Does that mean that invoking the 5th doesn’t apply to countries outside of America? Is it called something different in Europe, Asia, other places?
Does that apply in Canada???
When can u use the 5th
What if I don't live in America
How is it in Canada
Do passengers in a pulled over car need to show ID? It use to be no but about 2 years ago we got pulled over and the officer said laws changed and I had to provide it. Or is it based on state? We live in MD. I ended up giving it to him, then they had probable cause or so they said bc we were near a 'new' high traffic drug area" they found nothing my bf was literally dropping off child support. Always thought was a decent area😅
I like that you answered this straight and honest and not like some who would of been just mean and shame them for not knowing
What's the 5th?
Is it legal to cheat?
does this work in the uk