Wild Camping Fail – Y Garn Snowdonia National Park

Attempted hike and wild camp up Y Garn in Snowdonia National Park. The winds were relentless and I later found out that they were hitting 50-60mph and due to peak at 90mph throughout the night. I think I made the right decision in heading back down!

Thank you to everyone for the likes, subs and encouraging comments. You’re continued support is overwhelming and heartwarming ❤️

If you would like to support my channel and buy me a coffee it would be greatly appreciated 😊

Insta: @jemoutdoors
Facebook: @jemmoutdoors
Music: @dano_blu

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Ben Vickery

I climbed Snowdon in February 2020, it was windy and snowy. It was fine going up but coming down was scary as it was so icy and there were times where I could have fallen a great distance if I’d slipped. Sometimes it’s better to end a walk and keep safe than to put yourself at risk. Have you thought about doing a Mountain Training course? I’ve completed my Hill and Moorland Leader award and have the goal of completing my Mountain Leader award. It could be a good direction for your channel if you have a goal of achieving something like that. I’m sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your feelings and your adventures

Dave Dickson

In my opinion if you are half way up a mountain and it doesn't feel right, the right thing to do is to get the heck out of there.
If the weather is against you you can always turn it into a car camp. That can be fun too.
They say our loved ones continue to travel with us in our hearts.
Maybe your mum wasn't wanting to go up there this time. She doesn't want you to wreck your gear for nothing. Mum's know best.

Andy Pollard

You did the right thing. Always follow your gut feeling. Your mum was probably looking after you telling you to be safe. Take the positives out of this that you had a great walk with brilliant views. So good for your mental health. Well done and onto the next one. Your mum will always be looking over you 👍

Ian Campbell

Its not easy camping for the first time high up on a mountain with little to no experience. Couple that with grieving for your mum and its easy to talk yourself out of the situation and head direct to your safe place.
Dont give up though. Find somewhere less intimidating for a first wild camp and build yourself up to a mountain camp. i know a low mountain in the lake district which would be great for a first time camp and has great views, I put a naff little video of it on my channel lol. You could find somewhere else similar if its too far from you.
I lost my mum too which is why I feel like writing this to you as I found it such a difficult time to go through, so all I want to do is encourage you to persist and carry on. Camping outside can be quite scarey but once you get your head round the fact your probably safer there than if you were in your own house, you will be rewarded with a beautiful spiritual experience and a comfort in your little canvas and down coccoon

Marc Bedingfield

If you are not feeling it you are not feeling it, call it intuition, call it sixth sense, if something doesn't feel right in the mountains then don't go through with it, stubbornness and egos get people in trouble, you done the right thing. I'll wild camp in Snowdonia with you anytime you want


A person who has never experienced failure is a person who has never tried anything new 👍

CRA Outdoors

Made the right choice 90mph would have damaged the tent. Glad the outdoors has helped you cope with your loss.

paul ellam

Hi Jem, so sorry for your loss, and thank you for deciding to upload, a very moving post, and one that many of us all can relate to. Very brave of you to post that, and your followers are behind you all the way!

Bigburd Adventures

I think your bloody brilliant! 😁 And staying up a mountain and persevering when it doesn’t feel right for any reason can surely only be dangerous and would have only got worse not better. All the best to you!

Andy Beetlestone

You didn't fail Jem, you just learnt more about yourself. Great video.

Alex Howdle

You must never feel that this trip was a fail. Every venture outdoors into the hills and mountains is a learning curve. Your poem at the end of your video was beautiful, sad, emotive, true, heartfelt and explained everything you were thinking and feeling perfectly. I cried. 😢 Thank you so much for posting this video and for your beautiful poem. 💕

Mac in the Wild

Really felt for you hun. You did right to publish it. Never easy losing a parent and sometimes the world is frightening. Hang in there – you’re never alone x

A Dude in Feather

OMG I needed a tissue…..


Not a fail at all. The weather looked far too windy for safely pitching up there – and on your own! Very good common sense decision. You have found so much positive from what you felt was negative. Loved the poem – thank you for sharing. Not a fail at all! Looking forward to seeing more of your journey. Love the channel. Thank you.

bbej 20

Sorry to hear about your mum.next time you go out camping take a picture of your mum with you share the views and journey. and you didn't fail you a winner .keep the videos coming when you're ready,

ej .gibson

failure and sucsess are linked

Rambling Rachel UK

Hi Gem, I’m sorry to hear of your loss. It can take time to heal, take one day at a time. The mountains aren’t going anywhere and they’ll be there when you return. Always follow your gut, if it doesn’t feel right, it’s ok to head home. Not a fail, just wasn’t right this time round. Take care Jem. Xx

Paul Turvey

Don't beat yourself up Jem, those mountains will be there for you when you return next time, I admire your honesty and you being open, you will learn from this and become more stronger, be kind to yourself Jem 🙂👍

Steven Jones

I won’t repeat the true words others have here, they’ve said it better than I could. I’ll just send you a maahooosive big virtual hug ❤️

Rush Outside Wales

Keep your chin up girl. Not every trip will be a success, not every day will be smooth and as easy as it is to say you got to keep grinding through. Keep smiling and keep exploring x

Welsh Warrior

hi jem , we all have feeling we all go though pain, your mum be so proud of you and the poem was so beautiful, a great honest video , stay safe GBU

Jim Farrell

Jem. lovely words expressing your loss and more power to you in doing so. Everyday is a school day as the saying goes, and I'm sure the next trip you do you will benefit from that experience. I love watching your channel and did wonder as you have alluded too what drove you to starting it, well now we know. I hope your loss eases more each day and you find yourself back out there making more videos, making us laugh and share the experience.

Rik White

Hi Jem.

Sorry to hear of your loss.

Your poem hits! Can I title it, Lament of a wandering soul?

I hope you can find yourself again.

Stay safe 🙂

Tony Hobbs

Been there. Its not failure its life and commonsense and grieving is difficult and different for everyone. . Good to share tbh and its kinda why I started years ago on here. If there is nowhere to safely camp then head back. Take care.

Andy Edwards

hank you so much fo this video and your willingness to speak honestly about how you feel. Listening to yourself and how you feel is never a fail. Keep doing what you love.

Martin Jordan

No fail there Jem. If you’re not feeling it, that’s absolutely fine.
I have had the same feeling, usually when I go somewhere I expect to be quiet but there are people everywhere.

Steven Ramsay

Jem another day tomorrow and we move on. Life is about how we deal with challenges and highs and lows. Keep smiling and keep the channel going refreshingly honest and good fun. X

Paul Smart

Hi Jen, No way was that a fail. You are on a journey and the journey goes on. You are strong. Nice one 👍

Paul White

Jem, you absolutely did not fail, so do not beat yourself up. Part of the problem with YouTube and social media in general, is that people only ever post their successes, leading to a massive confirmation bias. You had the bravery to show others that it’s OK not to get the result you were hoping for; it happens, it’s called life.

Thank you for opening up about your grief. The outdoors – and physical exercise in general – can be a wonderful release from the mental turmoil that follows a loss. You still are a tower of strength. Do the things that make you feel happy with people who matter to you. The path is not always straight, or level but you will be back and you will conquer that peak and the remainder until you hit your goal.

I enjoy all your videos, great content and delivered so naturally so thank you. You’ve also revealed a new talent, so now we expect a poem every time! 😁

Hope to see you out on the trails soon. Stay special!

it's Carping Chris

Don't be sorry at all. And there is certainly no need to be embarrassed. I am sorry to hear the news, but I am sure that your mum would be super proud of you❤️. You have done and will continue to explore the outdoors, helping you deal with life and grief. But me for one, along with others I'm sure think your great. And definitely respect what your doing, whether you pass or fail on your journey. Although I don't think you have failed at all, just been challenged. Certainly keep going for you and your mum's memory.
Be who you are because your my kind of outdoors girl😀

Wight Spokes

Hi Jem! Just watched a great video! Yes yours!! No apologies needed. I think you haven’t failed yourself at all, on the contrary you may not of achieved your initial aim, but that happens to us all, you made a decision based on the wind strength and your own comfort level. I think you should trust your own judgment and feel a real strength from doing so. Take positives from the experience. Keep up the great stuff you’re doing, take comfort from it. Big hug’s

Kelly Kaufman

No bruised egos. I hike for similar therapy. Lost my mother in March 2021. Some days are better than others. Keep doing you. Cheers M8. 🍻


I never wanted to hear at time that things will get better but they do, but you never forget.
Ps the poem was ace and see you on the next one😉