Car movies for kids. Big Trucks for children. Police Car Cartoons for kids. Police Car games.
Author (withintriguetowardstheend): It’s almost dark outside and time to go to bed. But I think that Handy-Andy will not be able to sleep tonight Car movies for kids…
Handy-Andy’sgarage. We can see Handy-Andy’s hands from time to time move from the cloud of dust. Hands take some tools and details and then we see Handy-Andy’s head Big Trucks for children.
Handy-Andy (tired):Oh…. I’ve finished at last Police Car…
The cloud goes away and we can see the racing car. It is amazing!
Handy-Andy (withanticipation): Tomorrowwillbethecompetition. Iwaspreparingamonthforit! (proud) I created and assembled this special car exact for this competition.
Handy-Andy (enthusiastically): Lookatthisspoiler! Iperfectedit! (interested) By the way, do you happen to know why car needs spoiler? Look! Car Cartoons for kids (inspired) When the car is driving on a high speed the air flows pick its back part and make the car go slowly. But if you install spoiler, the pressure will be over the trunk. Adhesion to the surface will be more. It means that we will have more chances to win the race Police Car games.
Handy-Andy (withintemptation):Tomorrowisabigday! Weneedtohaveagoodsleep!
Handy-Andyleaves. It’sdarkoutside. Two shadows sneak up to the garage, open the gates, car drives away. Dayisbreaking. Morning. Handy-Andy comes.
Handy-Andy (happily): It’s time to drive away, (confused) or we can be late for…..(he stops, sees that the door to garage is opened)the sound of surprise
Handy-Andy grabs his head and looks around confused. Police car drives past him.
Police officer (kindly):Goodmorning, Handy-Andy! Whyareyousoconfused? What happened?
Handy-Andy (confused, shocked):It’s stolen… car for the competition is stolen…
Policeofficer (calmingdown):Don’tyouworry! Wewillfinditforsure! I’m going to put it on the wanted list. In one or two days it will be back in your garage!
Handy-Andy (disappointed):But the competition will start in 30 minutes!
Police officer came out of the car. Helooksaround. Henoticedthetiremarksontheasphalt. The trace is very clear and leads to the highway.
Policeofficer (focused):Hm… Let’s have a look… here are tire marks, they are very clear. Thieveswereinahurry. Getintothecar, Handy-Andy. We will chase them.
They jump into the car and follow the traces. Then traces disappear.
Police officer (sad but serious): It seems that we’ve lost them…
Handy-Andy (worried):Take a look, there is more traces on the corner. It’s clear that they were turning on a high speed!
They drive over to the arear where the competition is taking place. There is Handy-Andy’s car on one of platform. Cameracomesclosertoitwithjerks. Rocko and Razer are standing beside it.
Handy-Andy (worried):Look, here it is, my car!
Handy-Andy going to the car fast. RockoandRazerare grinning.Rocko stops Handy-Andy with his hand.
Rocko (with a sneer):Where are you going? Oh, you must want to look at our car, so go into the line! (Laugh)
Handy-Andy (confused, sadly):Butit’smycar!Icreatedandassembledit!
There are two big screens beside the car. Handy-Andy’s car is shown on them close-up. Policeofficerapproachesandnoods.
Rocko(withasneer):But we don’t think so! Am I right, Razer?
Razer (smiling)Sure!Wewereassemblingthiscarforamonth! (smile)
Head of the jury (worried): What is going on here?
Handy-Andy(angrily):Rocko and Razer stole my car and pretend that it’s their own!
Razer (confident):Wedidn’t do that!
Rocko (confident, with a mockery):Sure! Heislying! It’s our car!
Boys are looking at each other with dislike. Policeofficerapproaches. Helooksatboysandtheyarecalmdown.
Policeofficer (judiciously):We need to conduct an investigative experiment! That way we will figure out fast who is the real owner of this car!
Headofthejury (inspired):Greatdecision! I agree!
Headofthejury (inspired- solemnly):Tofindouttherealownerofthiscarweoffertoorganizetheracewithobstaclesonahighway! It won’t be a problem for a real owner!
Head of the jury (seriously): So, who would l like to be the first?
Rocko (confused):Eeeee….well
Handy-Andy (inspired):I’m ready!
Head of the jury (enthusiastically):Great!
The head of the jury’s voice behind the frame: 3,2,1 Start! (thesoundofshot)
Thecaristurningonahighspeed. Handy-Andygoesroundtheobstacleslikeasnake. Thenhespeedsupanddrivestothespringboard. Thecarfliesoverthepileoftires.
Razer (approvingly):Heisgreat!
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