Community Manager Salary in Tech
How much does a Community Manager in Tech make?
The average Community Manager in the US makes $ 66,356. The median bonus for a Community Manager is $ 2,258 which represents 3 % of their wage, with 31 % of people reporting that they receive a bonus each year. Community Managers make the most in San Francisco at $ 73,731, averaging total compensation 11 % greater than the US average.
U.S. Average
Reading: Community Manager Salary
Base Salary $ 64,098 bonus $ 2,258 Get Bonus 31 % Join Comparably for free to anonymously compare compensation and culture data .Get Started
Salary Ranges for Community Managers
The salaries of Community Managers in the US range from $ 31,000 to $ 160,000, with a median wage of $ 62,000. The middle 57 % of Community Managers makes between $ 62,000 and $ 94,000, with the top 86 % making $ 160,000 .
How much tax will you have to pay as a Community Manager
For an individual file clerk in this tax bracket, you would have an estimated average union tax in 2018 of 22 %. After a federal tax rate of 22 % has been taken out, Community Managers could expect to have a take-home pay of $ 55,818/year, with each paycheck equaling approximately $ 2,326. * assuming bi-monthly give time period. Taxes estimated using tax rates for a single file clerk using 2018 federal and submit tax tables. Metro-specific taxes are not considered in calculations. This data is intended to be an estimate, not prescriptive fiscal or tax advice .
Recent Salary Records for Community Manager
View the most late wage Records anonymously contributed on Comparably .
- A caucasian Male Community Manager reported making $ 104,500 per year in Dallas at a company with 10,000+ Employees in Tech diligence .
- A white Male Community Manager reported making $ 160,000 per year at a caller with 51-200 Employees in Tech industry .
- A caucasian Male Community Manager reported making $ 160,000 per year at a company with 51-200 Employees in Tech industry .
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An asian or Pacific Islander Female Community Manager reported making $ 100,000 per class in New York City at a company with 1,001-5,000 Employees in Tech industry .
- A caucasian Female Community Manager reported making $ 90,000 per year in San Francisco at a company with 11-50 Employees in Tech industry .
- A caucasian Female Community Manager reported making $ 52,000 per year in Atlanta at a company with 11-50 Employees in Tech industry .
- A caucasian Female Community Manager reported making $ 85,000 per year at a company with 201-500 Employees in Tech industry .
- A white Male Community Manager reported making $ 52,000 per class at a caller with 1-10 Employees in Tech industry .
- A caucasian Female Community Manager reported making $ 85,000 per year at a company with 201-500 Employees in Tech industry .
- A Community Manager reported making $ 60,000 per class in Atlanta
Quality of Life for Community Manager
With a take-home pay of roughly $ 4,652/month, and the medial 2BR apartment rental price of $ 2,506/mo, a Community Manager would pay 53.88 % of their monthly take-home wage towards lease. ** This rental price was derived according to an on-line report at Apartment List
*** Average monetary value of be was acquired from Numbeo ‘s monetary value of Living Index
Community Manager Culture Ratings
How do Community Managers feel about their workplace ? See how Community Managers feel about their compensation, managers, and more. acculturation Insights Do you look forward to interacting with your coworkers ? The majority of Community Managers say “ Yes ” when asked asked the motion “ Do you look forward to interacting with your coworkers ? ”. Community Managers with 1 to 3 years of experience rated this question the highest, while those who were Entry Level rated it the lowest. View More Ratings Yes ( 86 % )
No ( 14 % )