Did the Semi Truck Cut Off the Car?

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A.I., a smart driver, claimed that the semi-truck cut off the car. It’s hard to make a case for that when the big truck signalled for more than 20 seconds before move over to the right side of the lane to get the car drivers attention. After moving over, the truck driver determined that in fact, s/he could move back into the lane. Was the little car being ignorant or arrogant?

Good luck on your road test.

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Joe Corbett

The truck wasn't passing.



going past.

"passing cars"

maxx dawgg

And in the end the truck still ends up behind the car.

Rob C.

Little car is n the wrong NOT the truck driver.

Mason Howard

The guy in the big truck has a license that basically says professional driver on it and they are suppose to be able to identify a possibly dangerous situation. If that was me I would have slowed down and got behind the car that was hanging out beside me. It’s safer to be away from a pack of cars even if it means throwing your pride in the back seat


Car driver could have just let the truck in. Rude why? What’s the point. 😮

Anthony Luna

If the semi would have slowed down the car would go even slower maybe even break checked him truck driver did the right thing

Eli Smith

Truck driver a wanker


Both were being dicks. Truck could have slowed down to get over and the car driver shouldn't pace big trucks. Too much ego on the road.

eddie h

big rig driver lost his composure / patience. he made his life harder by Not letting go of the throttle for 5 mins.

Rolando Crisostomo

From the small car pov, could he see the truck turn signals? And does he have to give up his position? Couldn't the truck slow down to change lanes as he is suppose to?


Car in right lane doing speed limit. If truck needs over, speed up or slow down.

Israel Razo

Trucker is governed. The car has options!! We dont

cramer caver


L.E. Phant


tripple ripple

I doubt if the little car was even paying attention to the whole situation

Steve T

Big truck is in the right

Trey K

Car is wrong for pacing but the trucker should know car drivers are idiots and are oblivious to everything around them. Trucker should just slow down and move behind the car.

Interesting Comments

That truck driver is an idiot. We are professional drivers. Some things aren’t worth it.

Roy Roberts

They’re both in the wrong the car should give Way And when the lorry driver realised he wouldn’t give way then he should slow down and go behind

David Thieme

Hell no, as a trucker I find it to be ignorant for people to stay at the side of my truck, why put yourself in my Blindspot, I can't stop as fast as you, I don't gain speed as fast as you, and most trucks can't go over 70 MPH because they are governed


Yah because just backing out of it and getting behind the car and waiting for a better opportunity to pass would just be devastating it’s not a nascar race grow up and be a professional.


Seeing stuff like this just make me want to do what Junior did in black dog when they were coming up on Jack Cruz he just moved a little blue Camaro out the way took his spot..

Mathew Morrison

123 here I come I turned my turn signal on to let u know I was coming over not asking permission

English Tea

The car probably didnt see the truck’s blinker because he was on the side. Imo, the truck could have easily slowed down and taken the massive open spot behind the car.

Patrick Judge

Yes, the truck driver was wrong, if he was.driving a motorcycle would he have done the same? The Law clearly states that you cannot use tour rig to intimidae or coerce other vehicles, every truck driver knows this

Frank Gonzales

This is a good one for allot of us to answer in some states they do not allow semi’s to be in the passing lane and if so only to get over for an emergency vehicle

Dean Woods

He gave the car more chances than I would.

Dan Houck

Some people are ignorant of the fact that simi-trucks are governed.

Ioan S

So If You are big enough and you put your signal You can go anywere?


The car could’ve slowed down to let him in, and vice versa the truck could’ve slowed down to get behind the car


Ignorance of the Arrogant
Why shouldn't the truck driver go back behind the car in the right lane if it doesn't have the speed to pass?
It's not always the car's fault.
BTW vehicle size doesn't matter