The 2 Types of Garter Snakes in Maine! (w/ pics)

about everyone can identify a “ garter snake ” in



Common Garter Snakes in MaineCommon Garter Snakes in Maine

But hera ’ s the problem :

There are multiple species and sub-species of garter snakes ! Therefore, figuring out the identity of the SPECIFIC snake you are observing can be challenging. This is specially true since many of them have like appearances and behaviors .

today, you are going to learn about 2 garter snake species in



  • *Just a quick note – to be officially considered a garter snake, the species must be in the genus Thamnophis*

I have included pictures with descriptions, videos, detail rate maps, and fun facts for all the garter snakes listed below. With a bit of practice, you are going to turn into a garter snake expert! 🙂

#1. Eastern Ribbon Snake

  • Thamnophis saurita

Types of Garter Snakes found in MaineTypes of Garter Snakes found in Maine
Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults typically range from 18 to 26 inches in length. A slender snake with a long tail!
  • Coloration is brown to nearly black with three bright yellow to cream stripes; one down the back and one down each side.
  • Snout and entire head are brownish, lips and underneath head are white.

Did you see a slender garter snake in



with a long tail?

If so, it was probably an Eastern Ribbon Snake!
eastern ribbon snake range mapeastern ribbon snake range map
This species is semi-aquatic and RARELY found far from a source of urine. Look for them in a wide assortment of habitats, including marshes, grassy floodplains, streams, ditches with grass, moisture areas in meadows, and woodlands adjacent to wetlands. Ribbon snakes are even found in suburban areas that match these conditions.

You might spot these snakes basking on branches of trees, bushes, or grasses overhanging the body of water. They typically hunt in the water and prey on amphibians, fish, and invertebrates.

If disturbed, these snakes will promptly flee into eatage or bosky areas. If caught, they are not aggressive and rarely bite. But you can expect them to defecate and spray musk onto your hands. In the angry, Eastern Ribbon Snakes trust on blending into their surroundings to get aside from predators .

#2. Maritime Garter Snake

  • Thamnophis sirtalis pallidulus

Garter Snakes species that live in MaineGarter Snakes species that live in Maine
Identifying Characteristics:

  • Adults can reach 40 inches in length!
  • Coloration varies but is typically dark green, brown, or black. The stripes that are common on other garter snake species are missing or poorly developed.
  • Features a yellowish chin, upper jaw, and belly. Some individuals may display a checkered or speckled patterning on the back.
  • Subspecies of the Common Garter Snake.

Maritime Garter Snakes adapt well to humans in



They are habitat generalists and can be found about everywhere ! look for them in forests, shrublands, fields, rocky areas, wetlands, shorelines, and urban and agrarian areas. They’re commonly spotted when moving rocks or logs, where they hide underneath for protection and thermoregulation.
maritime garter snake range mapmaritime garter snake range map
To survive the harsh northern winters in Maine, these garter snakes hibernate below the frost line. They ’ ll use mammal and spiny lobster burrows, rock crevices, belowground cavities, ant mounds, and manmade structures such as foundations. interestingly, they much hibernate communally with other snakes !

This species isn’t considered threatened and can live to be TWENTY years old! They ’ ra relatively park and can tolerate reasonably disturb human habitats well. however, populations near roads frequently have high road mortality rates .

Do you need additional help identifying garter snakes?

Try this field scout !

Which of these garter snakes have you seen in



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