Ferry Terminal Stealth Camping

I camped out for the night in the lineup at a BC Ferries terminal. It proved to be a good place to enjoy the evening with a food truck. If anyone is in Earls Cove please check out Sharon’s Grill It (The food truck). I highly recommend it 🙂 Decent camping adventure!

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Samwise Outdoors

Those steering wheel trays are rad. I work out of my car and those things are a life saver.


Looks bad alright lol

FishGame Strong

I certainly am not the most active member here, but regardless feel it's worth saying I very much understand why ya seem so well liked, and as always, just good content.

Clint Romine

Where do you get those trays

Jeff SR


Beaux Galoo

Bruh, you should vape some weed carts while you camp.

Brian Fraelich

It was about a certain Beatles album that shall not be named

Mr. Honest

OMG the freaking umbrella!

Brian Fraelich

hey steve love your stuff

Brian Fraelich

There was a lot of comedy that youtube pruned out well sorry

Mr. Honest

I'm excited for this one!

Tyler Marchus


robert prediger

you are a trip .

Glenn Schlorf

Ahh BC Ferries… took em 3 trips with trucks and Three on foot…. great ride… ahh them crazy Canadians and their Poutine….

Brandon brownie

I lost my dad in December.. he was my Best friend and my rock.. I haven't smiled at much lately.. but your videos have been making me smile. Thank you for that


"The whole thing smells like urinal pucks🔵" 🤣

Dolly Plainjane

When you spilled your drink I jumped. It scared me! I startle easily.


you crack me up steve! keep up the great vids!


Good ol' Steve is back… randomly busting out ingredients for a virgin Piña Colada while sleeping in his car. ♥ The absolute absurdity, I love it.

Steve (shaking drink and ice) "This probably looks bad from out there."
(Unfolds tiny umbrella)

Larry Bonin

Just say you are there till your passenger shows up lol


That was me in the background going for a doob

Sm Ms

Cheers 🍻 Thanks for the stealth camping, always good content from You

Joost Luyten

So Step 2 had a massive upgrade 🙂

madd max

Great video as always. As soon as business picks up at work I will be buying you a 6 pk beer or a mixer and real vodka if you like that better.

Larry Bonin

You don’t have to worry about staying there they let people stay there. I did mega in my semi for the last twenty years. Horseshoe bay, Schwartz bay ect

Jesse Phillips

We took this exact ferry this summer. Good stuff Steve!

Charlie Kuehn

Clean Living!!!

This Just in

Wonder if I could get away with staying at the ferry terminal in the San Juan Islands? haha jk or am I? great idea Steve.

Kevin Cole

You gotta love spending a night at the Earls Cove ferry terminal (especially when you’re not taking the ferry) . Can’t wait for whatever you find for the next video. 🇨🇦

Ron H

See you soon, Steve. I do enjoy watching the scenery where you camp, tho =)

Peggo Sewid

Lol!!! I’m getting great ideas for my Ferry trips up BC coast! You are such a great “influencer” lol!


virgin cocktail mix had me rolling laughing…. especially when he broke out the umbrella….lol


Steve this was incredible! I love the play by play status of all the ferry terminal players on this particular stealth camp! That shits cool man!! I laughed my ass off when you mocktailed it up in your car! That cutting board is badass!! I want one of those! Good stuff Steve! Keep em comin! NQU

Raleigh Thomas

Great video Steve! A desolate ferry terminal…. Hmmmmm! Pure Steve, great choice! Kudos on the food truck lady, hope she does well, a great service to travelers in a prime spot!

Rick Holeman

Steve trying to be discrete with a pineapple umbrella in his drink.

Eleven Second Garage

"destroy the bell"
… Steve I love you and you're the best person on YouTube. Hands down. I hope you know that.e

Traci Amos

The East Coast Donair sandwich sounds great, but unfortunately I don’t have a passport to get to Canada and I’m in Texas so that would be too long of a drive 😢. Steve,please keep the videos coming 👍.


Dude! That burger looks insanely good!!!


Not appropriate!! teaching people to lie to ferry employees!! really you needed
the umbrella in your drink while sitting in your car , lame!! balfour ferry right now is having huge problems with the homeless over there.pretty disapointed with this video.

Kenneth Peter Nielsen

This reminded me of Steve’s airport stealth camp video, which was one of the first “camping with Steve” videos I watched (and have rewatched several times). Great contents as always Steve – keep it up 👍🏻


The umbrella drink was such a nice touch 👌


You should get those windows tinted 5% all around trust me you won't need nothing to cover the windows.

Eleven Second Garage

Steve you had me dying while you nervously put an umbrella in your drink! This is gold!