Musk Comments on AI Day, Cybertruck + Expectations, US Car Market

➤ Elon Musk comments on AI Day ahead of event
➤ AI Day expectations
➤ Neurapod interview:
➤ Musk comments on Cybertruck
➤ Tesla Energy products survive hurricane
➤ S&P brand loyalty study
➤ Interesting data points on US car market
➤ New Musk texts disclosed in Twitter case
➤ Porsche IPO
➤ Quick notes

Tesla Referral:

#Tesla #TSLA #Investing

Executive producer Jeremy Cooke
Executive producer Troy Cherasaro
Executive producer Andre/Maria Kent
Executive producer Jessie Chimni
Executive producer Michael Pastrone
Executive producer Richard Del Maestro
Executive producer John Beans
Editing assistance by Jasem Ashkanani
Music by Evan Schaeffer

Image(s) and/or footage used under license from
Disclosure: Rob Maurer is long TSLA stock & derivatives

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Lin Jon

Is today April fool's day?

Adam Selene

You Have Problems, Not Issues
Somewhere, at some point over the recent past, someone decided that it was no longer acceptable for a person to say what he or she means; it was no longer acceptable to speak in precise, direct words. And what’s worse, someone, somewhere decided that we should all be offended when someone calls a problem a problem. Everything has to be translated into some sort of euphemism. I don’t really know why it started, but can we please stop referring to every problem as an issue?

An employee no longer has a problem keeping up with production; he has an issue. A child no longer has a problem behaving in class; she has an issue. A married couple in therapy no longer has problems in their marriage; they have issues.

Even bad weather now causes performance issues on the football field and traffic issues on the road; and a basketball player with a sprained ankle has an ankle issue. I’m not sure what’s so offensive about discussing traffic problems, health problems, or a sloppy football game. Is it just me?

The problem—that is, what’s wrong—with substituting issue for problem is that those two words are not synonymous—and no amount of being politically correct, disingenuous, or even condescending—yes, it can be condescending—will make it so.

An issue is a topic, such as The candidates will discuss the issues at the debate. That means that the candidates will discuss the different topics, or subject areas, involved in running our country.

A problem is something negative. A problem is something that needs to be solved. A problem is something that we try to overcome. A problem is something that we don’t want. There, I’ve said it. And it feels great.

An issue is not a problem, but I’ll tell you what is a problem: the grammatically incorrect trend of telling someone that he has an issue when what you really mean is that he has a problem. Call it what it is, and it’ll be easier to solve.

Tesla News Tonight
Paul Kearsley

We should call Tesla date, LaLa date

Paul Kearsley

What ever date Elon mentions, need to add as minimum 2 years. Truck is a good example

Em Igoonie

PAYASO screwed everyone. but Kimball sold at $1200!!!!!! ha ha ha. and if the court in Delaware makes elon musk buy twitter, he will be ecstatic because he will have an excuse to sell more shares!!!!! ah ahaha haaha ha ha haahaa ha. the only ones making money on tesla are the shorts and PAYASO who sells bag holders eyeballs to advertisers. ah aha ha ha ha haha

Abbe Sull

A 1 day nothing burger for stock price. Hopefully, we can survive Brandon another two year's. Hopeless, president.

Jimmy Jones

You actually did that interview? Their channel thumbnails looked so much like the fake news channels. I didn't bother giving them the view as a result.

Em Igoonie

Yeah I need a vehicle that doubles as a boat. Absurd and worse — irresponsible delays for no good reason. Elon could care less at this point. He’s not in line with stock holders. Two words prove this: humanoid robots.


Agrawal's text had some typos and extra words, I don't think he was asking for Elon's perspective on twitter's level of distraction, but he wanted to tell Elon his perspective.

Phillip Forrence

great work, Rob!

Peter Gazdik

Tesla Rob meets Tesla Bot… you deserve it more than anyone man! 🙂


Where can I watch ai day?

Rasmus Fjellström


Top Hat

I like Nokia robot


Very interesting discussion. In my opinion WA and Canadian “Spodumene Plus” delivered to US based battery makers will be where all this lands. Tesla will build a processing and perhaps battery facility in Canada using materials sourced nearby. I would guess the plant in Texas may use material from WA.

Michel L. B.



They should get their software sorted out before the dreams go way to far & unrealistic. Even a 200.000.000 airplane got manual overrides, wonder why? :

John Alley

Loved the Rob interpretation of SMR's prognostications! You two are soooo different temperamentally. LMAO.

Marvin Heyboer

How can one watch AI day 2?

John Vanderbeck

One thing that sort of bums me out about these "days" is we still have stuff shown in Autonomy day that hasn't yet come to FSD beta. Its all well and good to see amazing things but the rate of those things manifesting seems pretty low at a casual glance (maybe this isn't true if you really dig into it). Mainly I remember seeing examples of temporal and spatial "history" so to speak so that things like cars wouldn't constantly blink in and out of existence as they are temporarily occluded, or so that lane markings would be remembered even after passing them – both things that would help immensely, yet even in current FSD beta these still don't exist.
So stuff we see tomorrow is what – 10 tears away or something? Seems hard to get excited over and I guess that is where it comes back to "this is for recruiting", IE the people who want to spend the next 10 years solving these challenges.

Jack Coats

It looks like Brownsivlle ship channel is 1200 Ft wide, roughly 1/8 mile or 400 meters.

Frank Taylor

View description from Wu Wa's latest Shanghai Gigafactory video on Youtube – he gives estimates on Sept deliveries.


I wonder if Oklahoma University has a get together on the day you released this… it could be called AI Eve @ OU. 😉

John M

Shocking how people have all of Elon's text messages. That is definitely insider information.

Elon Musketeer

The way Porche rang the bell is just too funny to me.

Alberto Luisi

Can you tell me the start time and where to see? Italy 🇮🇹

Eugenius Theodidactus

No liability involved with saying that your truck can be used as a boat.


I'd say if demand gets lower for cars that means people want to wait longer until tesla can build enough cars for all the market for a bit less money :'D

Kurtis TenHave

I’m not sure that you’ve ever explicitly mentioned this, but as interest rates rise, cars become harder for people to afford. Thus reducing demand due to the higher cost of ownership for the average auto loan.

You have the right to say no ❤ thanks to THANA ant tesla

Education is our main product and service for charity

The benefits of THANA are permanently for FREE

And family love and care ❤


make it go away. dont wanna hear the word twitter ever again


Get ready for the moronic analyst galore


67% brand lojality?
Let's try to get 69% to make the Lord happy.


I like how Elon doesn’t waste time. Quickly found out Twitter wasn’t serious about fixing things, make offer to take Twitter private.

Daniel Welch

have fun at the show

Jeff Mathias

How might a Cybertruck accomplish forward motion in water? Maybe the wheel design? Helpful not having exhaust.

Nicholas J. Nicastro

Can you think of a better three day stretch between Friday and Sunday?! Have a blast!


Those brand loyalty scores are strange. The percentages seem too low for all of the brands.


MAGAt Musk! SAD. I hate my car now.

Andre Farrar

With the sell off yesterday, the buy the rumor sell the news phenom of AI Day 2 should be ruled out going in to Monday. Short term price rebound now hinges on Q3 delivery numbers.