Police Enforce Camping at No Man's Land Homeless Encampment

Los Angeles Police Officers (LAPD) issue advisals for public camping at homeless encampments at the Venice Beach and Santa Monica Beach border on Friday, December 21, 2022. The border between Santa Monica Beach and Venice Beach is referred to as, “No Man’s Land” by law enforcement because it borders both cities. It is an infraction to camp on the Venice side of No Man’s Land and a misdemeanor on the Santa Monica side.

Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) Section 41.18 makes it illegal to sit, lie or sleep in or upon any street, sidewalk or other public way.

Santa Monica Close Up is a photo blog by Santa Monica based Photojournalist/Press photographer Fabian Lewkowicz. Fabian is the former staff photographer for the Santa Monica Daily Observer Press, Santa Monica Mirror, Santa Monica and the Santa Monica Corsair.

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TAGS: Photojournalism, Photojournalist, Documentary, Cinema Verite, Fly-on-the-wall, Observational Photography, Press Photography

(C) 2022 Fabian Lewkowicz/Santa Monica Closeup. All Rights Reserved.

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It's About Time That The Authorities Took Action By Getting Our Beaches Back In Order

Brian Forbes

California screaming, on such a lovely day!!


Only solution to solve homelessness and illegal immigrants…. send more US taxpayers $$$ to Ukraine. 🤬

Genoveva Franco

In this country we take better care of illegal immigrants than our own people ridiculous

Texas Cross Roads🇺🇸

Endless yet again with this homeless problem it’s always camp grounds on the beach it’s not a camp ground I am not and won’t be surprised that the state of California hasn’t fixed the problem of skid row.

marc p

Someone should build small house communities for people


Tear them down and put them in jail.


Walking on santa Monica Beach is a dangerous thing since u don't know if u are going to step on something this homeless left behind

Ah Jodie

Remember learning how the Indigenous people did not own land? Somehow, people do not see homeless as the same as themselves. Go a little deeper, and wake up to the fact that you are a slave with what you have, and could lose it all. One day you will, being human means we all die… don't wait till then to understand. Use the power you have, love and be kind, and take action to give to this universe as you feel gratitude for all you are given!


Wtf these new homeless ppl be bold af back then you didn’t see stuff like this now they wna set up camp literally anywhere they are trippin.

Debrah Brandon

I guess she likes to talk to people then let them go back to sleep.

Brooke Hunter

Let's see how the new Mayor's office will respond to the "homeless." Said it's a #1 priority to house these people.

Mountain Man

The homeless problem needs to be eradidated in Santa Monica. The crime rate has sky rocketed and was ranked 8th worst in Los Angeles County ahead of Compton.

Bill Kallas

Not many today……..The patrol should show up at 5:00 AM.

pablo escobar

In California, all you need to do is call 211 – a free call from any phone. The State then has 72 hiurs by law to provide benefits. If you are homeless, the State provides a free p.o. box in the neighborhood of your choice. All these folks you see in tents know this. They could almost immediately get paid, housed, fed and medical….
but, the State WILL NOT allow drug use.
They're living the life they want

Raul Canelo

We workin

Raul Canelo


Trisha Ferreira

“There but for the grace of God go I” I feel sorry for the homeless, those with children or beloved pets, who for whatever reason find themselves at the mercy of the elements. One never knows what type of issue they are going through. Yes, they should not camp on the beaches. God bless them wherever they go. 🌴

Christine LaBeach

Doesn't seem to be near as many as was a year ago.

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