Understanding Ship Security Plan On Board Ships

What Is Ship Security Plan (SSP)?

Ship Security Plan ( SSP ) is a plan that is formulated to ensure that that the measures laid out in the plan with respect to the security of the ship are applied onboard .
This is in place to protect the personnel, cargo, cargo transportation units, stores etc from any security-related risks .
The plan specifies responsibilities and procedures to counteract any anticipate threat to the vessel and her cargo .
The ISPS Code makes it compulsory for a vessel to have such a design in home. The SSP must lay out the protective measures for each security grade vis a vis embark related activities, access control onboard, monitor of the restrict areas, cargo handle, receive of stores/baggage etc.

The CSO must ensure that the embark is provided with such a design commensurate with the ISPS Code. The SSP is a critical document, the information of which is to be restricted to designated personnel on board and not shared intentionally ; the plan must be protected from unauthorized access or disclosure .

Requirements For Ship Security Plan (SSP) 

  • Developed for each ship, the SSP should take into account the security level of the port facility
  • Measures and equipment to prevent any threat to the ship and to prevent the carriage of any unauthorised units onboard
  • Ship Security Personnel (SSP) must establish measures against unwanted access to the ship
  • As per SSP, a Ship Security Officer (SSO) must be appointed onboard to execute the SSP
  • Depending upon the Code interpreted and followed, the SSP should be formulated by an approved Organisation
  • The plan must be developed after a thorough security assessment of the ship taking into account the guidance laid out in the ISPS Code

Ship Security Plan

Contents of Ship Security Plan (SSP) 

The SSP must address the keep up aspects :

  • Preventive measures against weapons, hazardous substances, devices that may be intended for use against the safety and security of the ship
  • Specific identification of restricted areas and preventive action against access to any such designated areas
  • Action to be taken when the ship is facing a security threat or breach taking into account the critical operations of the ship
  • Complying with instructions of the Contracting Government with respect to the security level
  • Evacuation procedures that might have to be carried out in case of a breach that cannot be combatted
  • Specific duties of the shipboard personnel with responsibilities when security is in question
  • Procedures for auditing security-related activities
  • Procedures for training and drills associated with the plan
  • Procedures for liaising with the port facility
  • Procedures for reporting security-related incidents
  • Designation and identification of the SSO and the CSO with duties and contact details
  • Procedures to maintain, test and calibrate equipment pertaining to the Code. This shall include details of the frequency of the tests to be carried out as well
  • Locations where the SSAS is provided and the guidance on using the SSAS. Usage instructions should also include details of testing of SSAS and information regarding false alerts as well

It is important to remember that the SSP is NOT subject to inspection unless in a case specifically specified by the Code. Unless there is proper evidence to prove that the SSP has not been complied with, an inspection may not be allowed .
even when there is a plausible cause for non-compliance, an inspection may only be carried out specifically with the aspects that violate the SSP and not an stallion check on the SSP .
This can only be done with accept from the master of the vessel. The Master always has the overriding assurance to call the shots, particularly when the safety and security of the vessel are in question .
If in the master judgment ( and feel ) of the Master, there is a conflict in the operations of the ship in sexual intercourse to the SSP, he may use impermanent measures to upkeep the security until the conflict is resolved. Any such irregular measurement must be, so far as feasible, be commensurate with the prevail security horizontal surface .

Implementation of Ship Security Plan (SSP) 

Unless implemented with application, the SSP will be a despicable piece of wallpaper ! The SSO must ensure that the SSP is implemented to the best possible extent to maintain its effectiveness.

From carrying out discipline and drills to specifying to personnel about their respective duties as per the SSP, the SSO is a vital entity in the implementation of the SSP .
Along with briefings and debriefings, an appraisal must besides be carried out to check the level of contribution of the personnel .
With the dynamic nature of transportation, the SSO under the auspices of the Master must identify any shortcomings in the design .
remedial measures and a review of the lapp must be sent to the CSO as suggestions to keep the SSP updated deoxyadenosine monophosphate well as to ensure that the security view is upheld without any compromise .
Any such suggestions to bring about a change in the existing design must be backed up by a exhaustive security judgment of the vessel .
damage to shipping from entities that intending to pose menace is changing. The security of the vessel is not precisely for namesake but for the very protection of the ship and its resources, the most valuable resource being the work force .
It is therefore imperative to always assign ascribable importance to the SSP and its implementation.

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