Tesla Car Values Falling | Tesla Bubble Popped

The Tesla car values are falling, and the bubble has been popped! Tesla cars are now worth less than the average car on the market. This is a sign that the Tesla car company is in trouble, and it’s time to start planning your investment accordingly.
If you’re thinking of purchasing a Tesla car, now may not be the best time to do so. The car company is likely to experience more trouble in the future, and the value of their cars will likely continue to decline. If you’re interested in purchasing a Tesla car, now is the time to do so at the lowest possible price!
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Bob lorne
Bob lorne

When a smart consumer sees Model 3 dirt cheap used two years old.He is not buying a Bolt that turns on fire.

Bob lorne

23.5 B in cash and growing each quarter.No debt where GM has 160b debt with plants that have to close with pension and buy out obligations.While they build new plants that will never ramp up to full production in the sales crash 2023-2027.He is using Twitter for free advertising that GM pays 2b+ a year.Why the old legacy media bad mouths him he spends zero on advertising.No dealership network that over charges for autos.You cut out the middle man.EV’s do not have repairs like ICE cars so he loves sending them to GM dealers for wipers and tires.So the customers look at his EV's and research what the true story is on the free internet.Shit storm coming to auto sector and BYD and Tesla last men standing.He is delaying compact car so the rest can destroy each other.On low margin compacts in hard times.When they can buy a Tesla used the size of an Accord or Camry for the same price 2 years old.

Bob lorne

Do not own shares now sold near high.Bear market will take all stocks down till Jan 2024.Will back up truck again to make a small fortune again.Not joking or BS

Bob lorne

Forget your old way of thinking about auto industry.The computer on wheels Tesla has with over the air updates is the future.VW GM and Ford systems are complete garbage if you understand software.AMD is backing their dashboard games with Taiwan Semiconductor for the mother boards of EV.Samsung for the cameras to collect data.Musk is playing with the competition not one of them have a leader that sent up 140 rockets last year that land on dime to be reused.Start reading up on the Dojo super computer and leave your robe hanging over the tree branch with your impact gun.

Bob lorne

Shanghai plant can produce a EV in 40 seconds.There is a world of hurt coming to the automotive industry.Tesla will make money off 40k+ charging stations.That will grow with free money from Biden.No other charging network comes close in size and dependability.The battery pack division will clear over 1 B profit in 2023.Look up Australian and Hawaii projects.Australia doubled the size of project after realizing the savings.Hawaii is shut down gas power plant and depending on power packs to balance out the grid.Big fleet operators signing contracts with Tesla to install new high speed charging from Semi truck supplied by power packs.

deals from virginia

EVs are a scam and their owners also got scammed into rolling up their sleeves 1, 2, 3 times.

deals from virginia

If your "friends" don't like Elon because of Twitter, you really have no friends. At least not those morons.

Bob lorne

Lucky you made a comment about better technology coming out by competition.Sandy Munro a 50 year veteran in the auto manufacturing business.Stated last week Tesla is 5 years ahead of the competition.When you talk about having more range that is a joke.They install a bigger battery pack to achieve that.The majority use the same battery suppliers.You are paying for that larger battery.Only two companies make money off of EVs.BYD and Tesla and with price war BYD’s 1.34 per 100 will be erased to compete.Talk to 3 year a newer owners about quality of finish now.Your info is out of date Tesla fit and finish is at industry norms now.2023 is the start of the Sales Death Valley in sales till 2026-27.Tesla and BYD will be last men standing.Bail out nation for the rest or bankruptcy for new comers.




Boycott tesla cars, sadly musk supports CPP and the aggressive military take over of Taiwan. Muks is no better than a streetwalker


Tesla full of sht

Doug Sheldon

No, they adjusted prices for the 7500 credit eligibility


When they raised prices every month, no one complained, and everyone had to have one.

Haijie Zhen

Also.. model S is a 10 years old vehicle with a facelift. Model 3/y also are an older model now. People just want shiny new thing. Tesla model 3/y also got the name California Camry, which it is already lost its coolness once everyone has one


This is good content. I have been very skeptical of Tesla from the start because I base my car buying decisions on my needs, build quality and manufacturer support. Other people choose to buy a car based on politics which is confusing to me. I think Lucky and I may see car buying the same way. I like Fords MachE and F150 and the Porsche Taycan but likely won't purchase an electric car soon. The primary reason is that I do not live where there are a great number of charging stations and this factors into my decision (as I think it should for everyone). I don't begrudge Californians buying electric cars, because they have a different fuel infrastructure than those in the southeast. Good luck in everyone's car buying decisions!

Nick Kacures

Schadenfreude to all the people who had to chase the fame and glory of winning a chance to buy a brand new vehicle at exorbitant prices

Nick Kacures

They are dropping because Tesla has more profit margin per vehicle than any major automaker bar none . Tesla will create market share by crashing the big companies selling crappy internal combustion engine vehicles

Be Kind

Too bad so sad😂

Did people that bought low give tesla a check when prices went up?

No law suits coming😂

Karl Pershing

Electric cars are powered by coal. Period.

Chip Shiner

Tesla has the margins to be able to cut prices. This is a smart play because the other ones can't fight in this pricing war. It is a way to gain market share.

Sakthish Rajendran

Great video , I have seen many videos 20+ minutes. No one gave so many details

Alex Kogan

Ordered mine back in 2021 and got it in June 2022. Paid 56k for it
With 3 precent rate.

Still love the car ❤

Arizona Riders Club

We're riding with ya.

mike rotch

I see an ev crash and burn coming with teslas becoming cheaper who will buy a leaf?

Jimmy Kelly

2017 Tesla 100d with 2 years of warranty on the batter and drivetrain upgraded home charger and 80k miles for under 40k right now

Eduardo Sánchez

Not Tesla's fault we were buying used cars at brand new car prices.

Car d P

I’ve purchased Porsches, range rovers, Audis, Mercedes. All of them had some build quality issues, but the biggest differentiator between all those brands and Tesla is how they handled it. Instead of telling me a crooked trim piece is “within spec”, they send it to a service center immediately, apologize profusely for the inconvenience, and give me a loaner car while I wait. Tesla doesn’t even come close to this. QC issues are one thing, but when you chose to ignore your customer base and not address any issues or defects, yea you’re gonna have a bad time.

LaRonn Robinson

Tesla’s pricing always followed a supply and demand system. Demand has always been strong but supply was never able to catch up. Now supply is catching up and demand is starting to decrease. Build times have never been this quick but once they start getting back into the 6-8 month range you’ll see another price adjustment.

Visionary Trailblazin

Lawsuit over the price of a vehicle purchase? So if they bought the car last month for 50k and this month the price increased by 10k, would they file a lawsuit because they paid less? Just curious as to what the legal argument would be?

Brandon Evans

Tesla's stated goal is to get the Model 3 to around 20k. I bought a video card for 900 during the video card shortage that same card is 350 dollars now. Same with PS5s, sue because something you bought got cheaper… Going by that we can sue for anything that goes on sale for Black Friday… Anyway, cars are more affordable because the manufacturing process and materials needed are getting cheaper, not demand driven.

Lonnie Harrell

Good points but there a some big omissions in your video. Tesla makes a profit selling ev’s the only make ev’s, other manufacturers sell ICE and ev’s and they sell their ev’s at a loss. I believe Elon said the price of ev’s were to high. So the fact that he brought them down, but in an unconventional and drastic way, pulls “check” on all other manufacturers, they can’t bring their prices down. It’s a cruel game they are playing with the public, but Tesla will probably win. Over the air updates, supercharger system, new vehicles to release, possibly autonomous vehicles, Tesla will make money off the ecosystem it has built. We don’t need some company to catch up, we need these OEM’s to start to race!


Great points! One thing I would say about the "competition" for Tesla is that these price cuts are going to absolutely destroy them. The only other car maker producing EV's that is making a profit besides Tesla is BYD. Everyone else sells them at a loss. Checkmate for them. How are they going to lower their prices to compete, lose even more? If you can get a Tesla for a bit more that a Chevy Bolt, which would you pick? The one that catches on fire and takes forever to charge?

Tesla goes from making 20k profit per vehicle to 12k. When they ramp up other giga factories in Texas and Berlin they will increase production even higher to meet the new demand created by these price cuts.

You are right that the people who are getting wrecked are those that just bought and need to sell or dealers who have them sitting on the lot.

Scott Titensor

I worked in the auto industry for close to 40 years, own a 22 model 3 RWD Tesla and really love it. The price cuts don't really bother me, didn't buy to resale. Car has been fantastic, even on long road trips. Tesla has the best charging system in America, by far. They also have the best engineered EV running gear and software, bar none.

The price cuts we're a smart move in my opinion. Sales have gone through the roof, used Tesla's are selling quick as well due to price cuts. Tesla is in the best position to adjust as they did due to lack of debt and selling directly to consumers. Competition is good.

The other major thing effecting used prices is the $7500 federal tax credit. Most consumers don't realize that it only applies to taxes the consumer actually pays for tax year 2023. If you only pay $2000 in taxes net for the year, your rebate is $2000. Plus, you won't see that money until 2024. It doesn't come off the vehicle purchase price.

Can't imagine anyone winning a case against Tesla. They have adjusted prices on a regular basis. Generally up and nobody complained. The problem is people were buying Tesla vehicles for resale purposes. They would take delivery, then ask thousands more. Worked for a while, that bubble has rightfully burst. Today, you buy a Tesla because you want one to drive and own. Not as a way to make money reselling.

Good luck with your videos, agree with much of what you have to say. Think you would agree, best way to own a vehicle is long term. They are not investments. Take care of your vehicle, keep serviced and drive for at least 10 years. Good luck 🤞


I don't believe this, at least that they will continue to fall. It's a product of A: snowflakes selling because of Elon and Twitter drama, many will be back and B: Used Tesla cars are plentifly available now. Also the ridiculously illegal Tax Credit issue will be fixed in a couple years when Biden is out.

Trevor Gray

I think they are to overpriced for the average person.

nixon concessao

Dough Demuro cover band

mstr pyp

Tesla $ bottom?

Damian Weiss

Tesla has major parts supply problem. Also repairs are too expensive labor runs four times parts costs. Tires at $350+ are too expensive. Service needs fixed fast before it gets exponentially worse.

Eric Cline

Think the cybertruck is gunna kick them back into the top tier again?

Cu H

Bro looks shocked in every video

Shane W

still too high.. dont buy folks. wait till some of the greedy dealers crash n burn