10 Pyramid Discoveries That Scare Archaeologists!

The era of the ancient Egyptians still determines the research world of archaeologists today. As one of the greatest and most powerful civilizations in human history, the inhabitants of the pharaonic empires recorded amazing milestones in a wide variety of areas. Whether in the field of technology, mathematics, art or, of course, writing: the achievements of ancient Egypt have always fascinated us. Given the numerous traces that researchers have already uncovered, however, we should not forget that there are still many undiscovered secrets lying dormant in the territory of ancient Egypt, just waiting to be tracked down and unlocked. The 10 exciting discoveries that we are going to present to you today are a powerful reminder of why we are so fascinated by the age of the ancient Egyptians.


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Simon Bode

Pyramids might have been cast in place. No need for alien tech. Just good engineering.

Fran Croy

While I do not deny that free people and slave owners took part in the construction of the pyramids, I find it very hard to believe that no slaves were utilized by their masters.

Dincan Ward

Nothing scary

Stu Jones


chris gerbrandt

these ''scare'' videos are all stupid.

lowland Shepherd

I'll make it easier the racial construct it was designed for control and changing the value system the biggest lie Ever Told that we are created equal by doing that they can run this bullshit for centuries this is a fact of the populists only have six DNA series and they are those that have nine DNA series politics race and all of the physical bullshit does not restrain hold back or have any power cannot even put on a scale for it is consciousness and it was handed down to The Descendants by their and ancestors color coding is just a tool to justify action that is not justifiable as long as the truth is not revealed about the DNA in different humanoids it will always be easy to set up false government Republican Democrat white black fat skinny strong weak one plus one but will never be able to master the first principle hermetic philosophy and you can take a child and teach that child hermetic for philosophy and at the age of 16 none of the children of the day would be able to outdo them

lowland Shepherd

😄 are you guys serious? Are you still running this racial construct Ms translation man-made Theory not only you do not have the genetics what you cannot apply the way you think and come to the conclusion of knowing how it was impossible because if you could we would have peace and you wouldn't have War you wouldn't have racism the value system would be not based on skin and things but on character LOL enjoy just remember how they're holding their head up now and acting like gurus and all knowing with their titles and their degrees in their big time whatever when they're true of it all is for me exposed they will all be at the bottom of the food chain LOL

Adam Jones

What's scarey about it

Bryan Adams

No wheeled tools were used during the construction. How exactly the workers managed to pile up the stone blocks is still a mystery! Well, if it's still a mystery, perhaps they used wheeled tools in the construction!

Burnin KGB

I don't think you scared any archeologists.

Paula Burnett

I just keep hoping that they will find Nephertari, CleopatraVII, and Marc Antony. I love everything about this era and have been this way since I was a young girl. They were so much ahead of the rest of the world and yet everyone wants to look down on them as if they have not done anything of worth. We have so much to learn from other cultures and I do so wish we could all live in PEACE. This was a fantastic culture..

Joe Myler

If the tombs were not raided, who knows what other discoveries we may have know. Too bad this whole world is built upon wealth and greed. Just think how much better this world be if it was built upon science, discoveries and sharing of ancient knowledge with every one. The saddest part is that this world only cares about the big three: sex, money, and power.

XxThe Awoken OnexX

The most amazing discovery is that Ramses the second needed a passport to enter France. Lmao

Egypt had baffled the world for a long time, and Egypt will continue to baffle the world for a long time to come. Thankyou for another great video Unknown List 🔥👍

Bill Curtis

Of course the discovery of the Ramses II mummy is the most important find of this life time, because he was the richest Pharaoh in all of history, as I understand it.