Great Pyramid of Giza, the secret chamber, what is inside?

Physicists have used the by-products of cosmic rays to reveal a large, previously unidentified chamber inside the 4,500-year-old Great Pyramid in Giza, Egypt. The find is the first discovery since the nineteenth century of a major new space inside the pyramid.

Egyptologists have been quick to dismiss any idea of finding lost treasure in the 30-metre-long void. “There’s zero chance of hidden burial chambers,” says Aidan Dodson, an Egyptologist at the University of Bristol, UK, who studies ancient Egyptian tombs. But experts hope that the finding will lead to significant insights into how this spectacular pyramid was built.

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These pyramids seem to be manufacturing plants still don't know why but all the pyramids in the world have some many things in common no one can say why


With wood sticks


Wrong it took ten of thousands of loin cloth wearing men to build it

KV 4Real Sunflower 👑

And y'all have done NOTHING to find out what's in it. What a waste of time and resources…

Huh Huh huh

Your friends

Huh Huh huh

Your friends under comments out again
If do

Huh Huh huh

Nice news


Are we just going to ignore the fact that he said they'd fly a drone in there?


It could be a simple space to take the weight off of the Grand Gallery.


Its another grand gallery. Hawass knows

Jeremy Bowden

Looks like a simple water siphon system that pulled water from the water well below to me. Just on a large scale.


Man I can't wait for them to use this new Muon tomography they're building to scan the pyramid!! Hopefully we'll get a real look … exciting!!


Interesting thing I Noticed is that if you Invert the shape of the Triangle (Pointing Down) and Line it Up with the Chambers, You get the Jewish Star. That's what I see Anyways.

Time To Fly.

Scrambling Perspectives

i think a bore hole through the thinnest area closet to the void wouldn't be to damaging, we can replace the material bored out once we have past an optical camera through the hole. The bore hole would have to be 15 metres in length and a few centimetres wide. sometimes we have to such things in order to advance are knowledge of past civilizations and there history, there could be things within this void of great interest or at the very least give us a better understanding of how they built such monolithic structures.

pete pinball

I dont want to out right say "bigfoot" but do the math. Big stones, big feet… connect the dots and wake up people!!!

The Coastal Cardician

This might be evidence of interior ramps or how the structure was built. Why do these governments stop people from using newer technology to get mowers?!

Earth Colored Eyes

It’s filled with a superconductive super fluid. The pyramid was an energy generator using the earths magnetic fields. The stones carved and moved using ultrasonic harmonic resonance.
The gold cap transmitted the energy like WiFi.

Etienne Le Roux

I wouldn't be surprised if the entire pyramid is full of these voids. As mentioned, there may have been many temporary scaffolding-like features that may have been necessary for them to get materials in and out during construction that were simply just left void or filled with sand. Or maybe instead of just building the entire thing of solid stone, you strategically leave hollow spaces throughout the structure to reducing amount of materials needed. It's kinda nice that there is still mystery to these places even in our modern times.

Scott Velez

Imagine if they find Khufu in there. Or maybe they find texts, pyramid texts. Maybe Unas wasn't the first one to do it. Maybe Khufu did it first, and the other Egyptians didn't really like it, but then Unas came and said "Hmm, pyramid texts seem kinda cool, let's bring that back."

Étienne Kerwiccat

soon as you hear cosmic you think ooh right ok more lies lol

Andrew Tornadoboy

They're using this new tech on a lot of volcanoes too and finding out a lot of important things, and supposedly in China they're trying to use it to see into the first emperor's tomb, assuming you can believe anything the CCP says.


They made it with concrete filling in boxes and put chemical to shape it a big block

Paul Mc Adam

It was impossible for that pharaoh to have built the pyramid in that time. We learned this decades ago in high school. Do better research please.

all fredo

Meanwhile- 'hidden in plain view'- This pyramid out of every pyramid is "missing it 'cap-stone!'- Why don't you tell Why?????????????
(Everyone see (Zach.4.6-10!)


I suspect there are more passages and rooms leading off the kings and queens chambers. There are suspicious non load bearing blocks that should be drilled to see if there are passages behind them. But the Egyptian authorities don’t even want to bother investigating the pyramid any more. Incredibly.


WHY ARE WE NOT TRYING TO GET INTO THIS CHAMBER!!!??? I don’t get it.. it frustrates me so bad! For all we know this could literally contain the secrets of the world, or flip our history as we know upside down! We really don’t know.. we need to get in there!

Xer Socudig Añulatac

Perhaps the hidden chamber was a cold room storage or the refrigerated Tomb as the Great Pyramid was an Ancient stone-made Water Pump and a Cooling Machine using Steam Jet Refrigeration methods.

Kaio Gracie


James Junghanns

I can’t understand why there isn’t more clamour to investigate these unexplained cavities. Houdin’s theories seem at least plausible.