Is the “Bent Pyramid” shaped the way it is due to a mistake by its builders or due to being damaged during its construction, OR was it made to look this way for a specific purpose?
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Idk, that's why I watched your video, thought you were about to unveil your genius knowledge
Yes, it took 9 pyramids to complete the loop circuit capable of recycling particles as an accelerator until they become superconductive. I could explain the purpose but you couldn't handle that.
YES… that what it's.. Supposed to do. Giza is also a..Time portal
Duh! Yes
Fresh from the history channel ancient aliens 😂
They are all reactors. The point of the pyramid is to collect the steam produced and condense it back to water while cooling it down. A recirculating cooling system for the desert. Sort of genius actually. Just my observations.
Mica is super conductive!!!
Ancient Egyptian pyramids were producing water as most of them were Solar Venturi Water Pumps.
No sir.
It produces Questions.
Another unsolved mystery.
Resonant sound frequencies vibrating piezoelectric walls to produce electricity. Im telling y’all.
I believe so. U already know y Mica is there. Conducts electricity and doesn't get hot or cold. Jus like Mexico
I think there was a circuit overload thus destroying these pyramids from the inside out. The weakest parts of the structure (the corners especially) was blown outwards…
Yes it was
The answer is no to all questions
This Maybe proof that Aliens Built the Pyramids.
I love this stuff! Fascinating!
I believe all the pyramids were power plants , definitely not burial tombs and in no way built by dynastic Egyptians.
Wireless energy of the past
you have a channel that 'studies' ancient megaliths, you ask yourself questions but why don't you study?
ITS produce energy for alien named en saban nur ITS realy bad alien
Well that is the question isn't it… Hmmm.
I was just thinking of putting mica in paint
Yes the whole industrial complex was built for energy production therefore along the Nile
This channel is one of the new real information hubs.
There is no fear.
Very inspiring.
Imagine what it is really capable of in new conditions probably able to solve life mysteries, to see into past and future maybe even possible to travel vast distances instantly why there are pyramids located on every land that we know of and probably why they were destroyed by these oppressors monsters that hide among humanity controlling us all through deception and enslavement
i always wonder why they were no odd shape pyramids you know building pain not one was found they all have the same basic shape so this one makes me especially curious