Exploration of the Pyramid of Sneferu and Mastaba 17 in Meidum, Egypt.
February 2021.
Take a look how ancient Egyptian civilisation perceived and constructed Egypt’s first pyramids. Explore with me the wonders of the ancient world.
#Egypt #Pyramid #ancient #history #lostcivilisation #mastaba #mastaba17
Watch more new videos about Archeology | Synthesized by Mindovermetal English
Excellent performance, excellent photography, excellent soundtrack
Great work again! Is that a metal rod sticking out of the stone at about 18:22 into the video?
These explorations are some of the best things about Egypt on the entire internet!!!!!!
strong… and horrifying video.. how does a piece of chocolate go inside this place?? really awesome😅
Exciting as always
Very interesting
The tunnel is smooth at entrance but rough in the inner side and it is not that deep .Without the wooden stair how they reach there .Mastaba makes sense .Caves and corbels are also mysterious.Well good presentation.
(IT CAN "NOT" BE DONE 100% NOT .. !!)
A piramis sós. Szalmiáksó van a kőben.
Hűtőgép vagy víz szivattyú
A kartusok kémiai összegképletek!
the boxes and megalithic stuff was there before the Egyptians came with their mud bricks
Woooow 😍😍😍
Is that sarcophagus like the ones in the Serapeum?
Let's Go!
the little nubs on every peice of old stone work all around the world has to be cranes there was even little nubs on the granite sarcophagus it has to be some sort of old crane
So many pyramids😯
No unexplored pyramids.😞
Wish I could go to the places you've been. Awesome videos. Were you scared of getting bit by bats in there?
Very good movie. Cool. The best I've ever seen about the pyramids
in Egypt. But I have a few questions: Whose idea is it to build a pyramid? Are you sure the Pharaoh? Who designed it and on what? How did he deliver the drawings to the construction site? Who made the engineering and geological calculations? Who designed the construction site? How long did the process of designing the pyramid take? Then a logistics project. Preparation of the ground, setting of "ramps", division into brigades of workers, etc. Who was the site manager? Where did so many laborers come from? Who at the same time prepared the precisely cut rock blocks and where? (In Aswan ?!) – by how many people? Who was farming at that time, where was the army? Everyone is building a pyramid? Egypt is safe, there are no enemies? Could Ancient Egypt then have directed the country's entire population to build a pyramid? It doesn't suit me and I have great doubts. These are the questions that we will find answers to someday.
Film bardzo dobry. Super. Najlepszy jaki widziałem o piramidach
w Egipcie. Ale mam kilka pytań: Czyj to pomysł żeby zbudować piramidę? Czy na pewno Faraona? Kto to zaprojektował i na czym? Jak dostarczył rysunki na plac budowy ? Kto wykonał obliczenia inżynierskie i geologiczne? Kto zaprojektował plac budowy? Jak długo trwał proces projektowania samej piramidy? Potem projekt logistyczny. Przygotowanie podłoża, ustawienie "ramp", podział na brygady robotników itp. Kto był kierownikiem budowy? Skąd tylu robtników? Kto w tym samym czasie przygotowywał precyzyjnie docięte bloki skalne i gdzie? (W Asuanie?!) – przez ilu ludzi? Kto w tym czasie uprawiał rolnictwo, gdzie wojsko? Wszyscy budują piramidę? Egipt jest bezpieczny, nie ma wrogów? Czy Starożytny Egipt mógł wtedy skierować całą populację kraju do budowy piramidy? To mi nie pasuje i mam wielkie wątpliwosci. To są pytania, na które kiedyś znajdziemy odpowiedź.
Did you know there's a lost civilization in the Red Sea. Lines up with Orions belt. Another in the Yucatan peninsula. Lines up with the Big Dipper. I found them using Google Earth.
Sorry to ask, but you went on your own to Egypt or you were with a travel agency, because I would like to try a trip to Egypt on my own. I went and visited with a travel agency, but I think it was on the run and I need to visit more systematically.
Can you also give some useful information about accommodation, transport, or what you consider useful?