The world’s largest plastic waste pyramid has been unveiled in Egypt ahead of the Cop27 climate summit.
It marks the beginning of a movement called the “100yr cleanup” – an initiative that seeks to fund large-scale rubbish clean-ups for the next 100 years and drive accountability for the single-use plastic problem.
The pyramid was erected in Egypt’s Western Desert, just outside Cairo and the immense structure, which took five days to build, weighs a whopping 18 tonnes.
It stands taller than a three-storey building and is made using the equivalent of one million plastic water bottles.
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Don’t mean to put a dampener on your title but I’ve seen a waste dump in Lagos that has a plastic mountain WAY WAY larger than this little pyramid. Just saying…….
This should be the future burial place of the Kardashian family
It is widely accepted that it is PEOPLE who create climate damage. Not specific industries or countries. It all comes back to PEOPLE. With everything that has happened in the world over the last few years following many previous climate meetings, hopefully you can see clearly that everybody on Earth is now being restricted in movement and rights. The maths is not difficult here. Rishi said he wouldn't go to COP27 (don't forget it's people creating the problem). And the PEOPLE said that was a bad idea to not go. So, when he now goes to COP27 and your life gets even harder from next year please do not be surprised or start complaining. Rishi said he would not go and plan your personal downfall. This is a nasty trick. The PEOPLE themselves are now telling him to go and discuss your personal downfall.
Polution has nothing to do with climate!
Quit your BS!
That is not "plastic waste". It's a mouthwatering smorgasbord of delicious tidbits for hungry dolphin & fish.
Nuclear power is cleaner and better for the environment. It’s cheaper too.