Exploration of the first true pyramid, Red Pyramid of Sneferu in Dahshur, Egypt.
February 2021.
Take a look how ancient Egyptian civilisation perceived and constructed Egypt’s first pyramids. Explore with me the wonders of the ancient world.
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I would encourage people to listen to this through headphones. Whoever produces these, i commend you….absolutely wonderful stuff. Yes, the red pyramid is amazing. Precise where it need to be.."rough n ready" where it doesn't. Great stuff Girl…peace to ya.
Welcome to Egypt irena I hope you a good journey in our country
At 1.95M tall (I was 1.98M) before I lost my lower limbs, I'd consider purchasing knee pads & scaling the boards to the apex by crawling to the apex, Irena. You also look somewhat Amazonian, too – quite the physical challenge to negotiate such a small aperture. Incredible structure – a shame that the graffitti in marker pen appends this as "The Dirty Pyramid", but that's latterday humankind for you….Thanking you for another phenomenal video !!
Older than Bosnian Pyramids?
I'd like to wake up in the morning there ( With You Irena ) ❤️
hey im going to the same hotel you were at… I hope its good
this is still the tallest structure in Dahshur and was the tallest structure in the world from 2575–2570 bce.
I really apreciate, you're doing a great job sharing with us . Keep it up !
Fascinating! Thanks.
What would be interesting: How ar the outer stones of the passage way are connected with the slope and that the slope stones are not moving because of the slope?
Thank you also for this nice video!
your voice connects me to you i like that
How many pyramids are there?
Missed out this video as well 😍 Whoops
I find the red, bent and step pyramids the most mysterious and fascinating of all. Great video.
When i jumped on the train up to Macchu Picchu there was no snappy background music that kicked in when we departed. I like your way better!
Dah, shur its the earliest.
Watch any of the videos by fellow history loving YouTubers "Uncharted X", "Bright Insights" or "Funny Olde World", they're very in depth about the pyramids and have amazing convincing arguments about why the pyramids are not tombs because a mummy was never found in one nor were any hieroglyphics and after enough reasoning it just makes sense. The establishment is lying and it's because they don't want us to learn the real reason for the pyramids or the technology to build them because if we did we would become more enlightened and less trusting of the establishment and they would no longer be in control.
Another excellent pyramid.Those stones of outside of it small and rough compare to Giza.The robbers who break the floor may be rular of different periods of time.May be they want to explore and solve the mystries of pyramids.
I can’t fathom how they could have managed to create these masterpieces 🙃 absolutely incredible
The white stones contain straw salt. You can feel it licked. This is a synthetic stone.
Ammonia is released as a by-product of the bond. That's why it's called a stinking pyramid. It's not because the bats smell of ammonia! There was no bat in either in 2014 because the ammonia is flying up as it is lighter from the air. The bat wouldn't get air on the ceiling!
Ammonia is pumped out of the yellow drain pipe. This gas is operated by the pyramid, which is refrigerated and water squeezed.
Don't look red to me, kaint ya tail.
You have some nice footage of the past- found this channel via Brian Forester👍🏼
Thank you so much for the story, guys! I wonder what is the name of the ghostly audiotrack at 15:00?
Type of girl if u said jump of a cliff she would. She believes anything she is told when the evidence is in front of her.
We are going to play a game. Name the IQ.
My guess 89
I'm curious, did you hire a camera man to record ? 😁 or this's some friend ?
Love your passion about my home land and our history, hope you visit Alexandria next year 💖
What you didn't know is that the subsidiary pyramid of the Bent Pyramid is actually the first true pyramid.
Wow I found this really mysterious 😱
I wish if I could also go there 😀
By the way did u find mummy there 😮
Witam. Ja od Chrisa Miekiny. Ciekawe wojaże masz po świecie. Egipt jest mega ciekawy. Fajnie że PL napisy wstawiasz. Sub leci. Pozdrawiam.
Yeah I don't care about your boring drive to anywhere and especially not your ads already 10 mins and haven't learned anything new. No offense. Other people may find this interesting.
Sorry 6 mins and already 2 ads.
Very good movie. Cool. The best I've ever seen about the pyramids
in Egypt. But I have a few questions: Whose idea is it to build a pyramid? Are you sure the Pharaoh? Who designed it and on what? How did he deliver the drawings to the construction site? Who made the engineering and geological calculations? Who designed the construction site? How long did the process of designing the pyramid take? Then a logistics project. Preparation of the ground, setting of "ramps", division into brigades of workers, etc. Who was the site manager? Where did so many laborers come from? Who at the same time prepared the precisely cut rock blocks and where? (In Aswan ?!) – by how many people? Who was farming at that time, where was the army? Everyone is building a pyramid? Egypt is safe, there are no enemies? Could Ancient Egypt then have directed the country's entire population to build a pyramid? It doesn't suit me and I have great doubts. These are the questions that we will find answers to someday.
Film bardzo dobry. Super. Najlepszy jaki widziałem o piramidach
w Egipcie. Ale mam kilka pytań: Czyj to pomysł żeby zbudować piramidę? Czy na pewno Faraona? Kto to zaprojektował i na czym? Jak dostarczył rysunki na plac budowy ? Kto wykonał obliczenia inżynierskie i geologiczne? Kto zaprojektował plac budowy? Jak długo trwał proces projektowania samej piramidy? Potem projekt logistyczny. Przygotowanie podłoża, ustawienie "ramp", podział na brygady robotników itp. Kto był kierownikiem budowy? Skąd tylu robtników? Kto w tym samym czasie przygotowywał precyzyjnie docięte bloki skalne i gdzie? (W Asuanie?!) – przez ilu ludzi? Kto w tym czasie uprawiał rolnictwo, gdzie wojsko? Wszyscy budują piramidę? Egipt jest bezpieczny, nie ma wrogów? Czy Starożytny Egipt mógł wtedy skierować całą populację kraju do budowy piramidy? To mi nie pasuje i mam wielkie wątpliwosci. To są pytania, na które kiedyś znajdziemy odpowiedź.