The Truth About the Bent pyramid

Hey welcome to my exploring Egypt series if you didn’t know already I was in Egypt for 3 weeks and in that time I explored the country and I went to many amazing historical sites.
One of the most interesting was the bent pyramid.

So if you do wanna skip to my very exhausting and tiring journey inside the pyramid you can skip to here but context is key so I recommend listening for a bit.

So after the first pyramid, the step pyramid was constructed more pharaohs wanted in and who could blame them this would have been the ultimate way to keep your legacy going. And its design trumps any measly tomb right.

Well one of the first pharaohs who wanted this for themselves was snafu. Born around 2575 bc he was the first king of the 4th dynasty.

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Laoala Ellana

now seeing this is on my bucket list!

sharon sewsbrey

i think it makese sense the pyarmid is not just a structure it has a spritual meaning so it being deformed wouldnt have been nice

Michelle elash

i dont think the pyramid looks half bad tbh

Lil Bakugo

I would have taken that as a tomb 🤣 i feel sorry for the builders


Wow just how many pyramids did you enter !?

Yorra Penaé

Wonderful video 💯🌹💥Thanks for sharing your spiritual journey 🌈🌟⚡

Dark wolf Banter

My Mind is still confused, how did they even build the inside
