Secretary là gì

  someone who works in an office, writing letters, making phone calls, and arranging meetings for a person or for an organization :Muốn học thêm ?

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Học các từ bạn cần giao tiếp một cách tự tin.

the member of a committee of an organization, club, etc. who keeps records of meetings, sends letters, emails, etc.:
the head of a government department, chosen by the president and not a member of a law-making group:
a person who works in an office and prepares letters, keeps records, schedules meetings, and makes other arrangements for a particular person or for an organization
an official in an organization who is responsible for writing notes about what happens at meetings and sending official letters:
someone who works in an office, writing letters, making telephone calls, organizing meetings, etc. for other people:
in the UK, a Member of Parliament or Member of the House of Lords who is in charge of a government department:
The party secretary was accused of participating in the planning of the attack (their plan was not to inflict fatal injuries on the villagers).
A litigious society created an increased need for litigation masters, while local magistrates had to rely ever more heavily on private secretaries.
Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.
I settled on the executive vice president/chief medical offer and introduced myself to his secretary.
Before 1963 there was no full-time manager, administrative duties being handled by a secretary and volunteers who staffed the headquarters and the clinics.
Membership was confined to the regional commissioner, rural development officer, zonal rural development officer, regional technical officers and the administrative secretary.
In the first model party secretaries dominate the village power structure, that is there are strong party secretaries but weak village chiefs.
Elected village chiefs increasingly resist party secretary control over village economic associations, and demand the right to control the village economy.
The letters and papers he received were preserved by his secretaries and family, not kept by himself for later use.


the member of a committee of an organization, club, etc. who keeps records of meetings, sends letters, emails, etc.:the head of a government department, chosen by the president and not a member of a law-making group:a person who works in an office and prepares letters, keeps records, schedules meetings, and makes other arrangements for a particular person or for an organizationan official in an organization who is responsible for writing notes about what happens at meetings and sending official letters:someone who works in an office, writing letters, making telephone calls, organizing meetings, etc. for other people:in the UK, a Member of Parliament or Member of the House of Lords who is in charge of a government department:The party secretary was accused of participating in the planning of the attack (their plan was not to inflict fatal injuries on the villagers).A litigious society created an increased need for litigation masters, while local magistrates had to rely ever more heavily on private secretaries.Các quan điểm của các ví dụ không thể hiện quan điểm của các biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của các nhà cấp phép.I settled on the executive vice president/chief medical offer and introduced myself to his secretary.Before 1963 there was no full-time manager, administrative duties being handled by a secretary and volunteers who staffed the headquarters and the clinics.Membership was confined to the regional commissioner, rural development officer, zonal rural development officer, regional technical officers and the administrative secretary.In the first model party secretaries dominate the village power structure, that is there are strong party secretaries but weak village chiefs.Elected village chiefs increasingly resist party secretary control over village economic associations, and demand the right to control the village economy.The letters and papers he received were preserved by his secretaries and family, not kept by himself for later use.

Bạn đang đọc: Secretary là gì

Các từ thường được sử dụng cùng với secretary .
Bacouncil”s caboffice was established last year and has two “non-political” members of staff—a full-time cabadviser and a part-time cabsecretary.

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Only two were smaller craftsmen, and they held the relatively minor office of deputy secretary for a total of three years.
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Tìm kiếm ứng dụng từ điển của chúng tôi ngay hôm nay và chắc chắn rằng bạn không bao giờ trôi mất từ một lần nữa.
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Chuyên mục: Bacouncil ” s caboffice was established last year and has two ” non-political ” members of staff — a full-time cabadviser and a part-time cabsecretary. Xem thêm : Pct Là Gì – Procalcitonin Only two were smaller craftsmen, and they held the relatively minor office of deputy secretary for a total of three years. Những ví dụ này từ Cambridge English Corpus và từ những nguồn trên web. Tất cả những quan điểm trong những ví dụ không bộc lộ quan điểm của những biên tập viên Cambridge Dictionary hoặc của Cambridge University Press hay của người cấp phép. Thêm đặc tính hữu dụng của Cambridge Dictionary vào trang mạng của bạn sử dụng tiện ích khung tìm kiếm không tính tiền của chúng tôi. Xem thêm : Egroup Là Gì – Tập đoàn Egroup Tìm kiếm ứng dụng từ điển của chúng tôi ngay thời điểm ngày hôm nay và chắc như đinh rằng bạn không khi nào trôi mất từ một lần nữa. Phát triển Phát triển Từ điển API Tra cứu bằng cách nháy đúp chuột Các tiện ích tìm kiếm Dữ liệu cấp phépGiới thiệu Giới thiệu Khả năng truy vấn Cambridge English Cambridge University Press Bộ nhớ và Riêng tư Corpus Các pháp luật sử dụng { { / displayLoginPopup } } { { # notifications } } { { { message } } } { { # secondaryButtonUrl } } { { { secondaryButtonLabel } } } { { / secondaryButtonUrl } } { { # dismissable } } { { { closeMessage } } } { { / dismissable } } { { / notifications } } Chuyên mục : Hỏi Đáp

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